Example query 1 - Bottom up solution  

  • Finds the fname and lname of employees that have ≥ 2 dependents.

    Sample inputs for concreteness:

           | essn      | name      | sex  | bdate     | relationship |
           | 333445555 | Alice     | F    | 05-APR-76 | DAUGHTER     |
           | 333445555 | Theodore  | M    | 25-OCT-73 | SON          |
           | 333445555 | Joy       | F    | 03-MAY-48 | SPOUSE       |
           | 987654321 | Abner     | M    | 29-FEB-32 | SPOUSE       |
           | 123456789 | Micheal   | M    | 01-JAN-78 | SON          |
           | 123456789 | Alice     | F    | 31-DEC-78 | DAUGHTER     |
           | 123456789 | Elizabeth | F    | 05-MAY-57 | SPOUSE       |
     Answer:   employees  333445555 and 123456789

  Example query 1 - Bottom up solution  

  • Finds the fname and lname of employees that have ≥ 2 dependents.

    (1) Find the # dependents for each employee:

        SELECT    essn, COUNT(name)
        FROM      dependent
        GROUP BY  essn
        | essn      | COUNT(name) |
        | 123456789 |           3 |
        | 333445555 |           3 |
        | 987654321 |           1 |

  Example query 1 - Bottom up solution  

  • Finds the fname and lname of employees that have ≥ 2 dependents.

    (2) Find the employee (SSN) who has # dependents ≥ 2:

        SELECT    essn, COUNT(name)
        FROM      dependent
        GROUP BY  essn
        HAVING    count(name) >= 2
        | essn      | COUNT(name) |
        | 123456789 |           3 |
        | 333445555 |           3 |

  Example query 1 - Bottom up solution  

  • Finds the fname and lname of employees that have ≥ 2 dependents.

    (3) Get the fname and lname using the foreign key essn:

        SELECT    essn, COUNT(name)
        FROM      dependent
        GROUP BY  essn
        HAVING    count(name) >= 2
        | essn      | COUNT(name) |
        | 123456789 |           3 |
        | 333445555 |           3 |
        SELECT fname, lname
        FROM   employee
        WHERE  ssn IN ( SELECT    essn
        		    FROM      dependent
        		    GROUP BY  essn
        		    HAVING    count(name) >= 2 )  

  Example query 1 - Top down solution  

  • Finds the fname and lname of employees that have ≥ 2 dependents.

    High level SQL query solution:

        SELECT fname, lname
        FROM   employee E
        WHERE  #{dependents of employee E} >= 2

  Example query 1 - Top down solution  

  • Finds the fname and lname of employees that have ≥ 2 dependents.

    # elements in a set     count(set) in SQL:

        SELECT fname, lname
        FROM   employee E
        WHERE  #{dependents of employee E} >= 2
    SELECT fname, lname FROM employee E WHERE COUNT (set of dependents of employee E) >= 2

  Example query 1 - Top down solution  

  • Finds the fname and lname of employees that have ≥ 2 dependents.

    Use a SELECT COUNT( ) query to find # dependents of employee 'E':

        SELECT fname, lname
        FROM   employee E
        WHERE  #{dependents of employee E} >= 2
    SELECT fname, lname FROM employee E WHERE COUNT (set of dependents of employee E) >= 2
    SELECT fname, lname FROM employee E WHERE ( SELECT count(name) FROM dependent WHERE essn = E.ssn ) >= 2

  Example query 2 - Bottom up solution  

  • Find dname of departments that have 3 or more employees.

    Sample inputs for concreteness:

         | ssn       | fname  | lname   | dno |
         | 888665555 | James  | Borg    |   1 |
         | 999887777 | Alicia | Zelaya  |   4 |
         | 987654321 | Jennif | Wallace |   4 |
         | 987987987 | Ahmad  | Jabbar  |   4 |
         | 123456789 | John   | Smith   |   5 |
         | 333445555 | Frankl | Wong    |   5 |
         | 666884444 | Ramesh | Narayan |   5 |
         | 453453453 | Joyce  | English |   5 |
     Answer:   names of departments  4 and 5

  Example query 2 - Bottom up solution  

  • Find dname of departments that have 3 or more employees.

    (1) First, we find the # employees in each department:

         select dno, count(ssn)
         from employee
         group by dno
             | dno | count(ssn) |
             |   1 |          1 |
             |   4 |          3 |
             |   5 |          4 |

  Example query 2 - Bottom up solution  

  • Find dname of departments that have 3 or more employees.

    (2) Then, we find the departments (dno) that have ≥ 3 employees:

         select dno, count(ssn)
         from employee
         group by dno
         having count(*) >= 3
             | dno | count(ssn) |
             |   4 |          3 |
             |   5 |          4 |

  Example query 2 - Bottom up solution  

  • Find dname of departments that have 3 or more employees.

    (3) Get the department name using the foreign key essn:

         select dno, count(ssn)
         from employee
         group by dno
         having count(*) >= 3
             | dno | count(ssn) |
             |   4 |          3 |
             |   5 |          4 |
        SELECT dname
        FROM   department
        WHERE  dnumber  IN  
                    (select dno           
    	         from employee
    	         group by dno
    	         having count(*) >= 3 )

  Example query 2 - Top down solution  

  • Find dname of departments that have 3 or more employees.

    High level SQL query solution:

        SELECT dname
        FROM   department D
        WHERE  #{employees in department D} >= 3

  Example query 2 - Top down solution  

  • Find dname of departments that have 3 or more employees.

    # elements in a set   ≡   count(set) in SQL:

        SELECT dname
        FROM   department D
        WHERE  #{employees in department D} >= 3
    SELECT dname FROM department D WHERE COUNT (set of employees in department D) >= 3

  Example query 2 - Top down solution  

  • Find dname of departments that have 3 or more employees.

    Use a SELECT COUNT( ) query to find # employees in department 'D':

        SELECT dname
        FROM   department D
        WHERE  #{employees in department D} >= 3
    SELECT dname FROM department D WHERE COUNT (set of employees in department D) >= 3
    SELECT dname FROM department D WHERE ( SELECT count(ssn) FROM employee WHERE dno = D.dnumber ) >= 3