Sample GROUP BY query 1: restriction on the SELECT attributes  

  • For each department, show the department NAME, number of employees and average salary paid to the employees in the department

  • Sample input relations to make solution concrete:

     Employee:                                  Answer:
          ssn       dno         salary     --->   dno   #emps   total Sal
          --------- ----------- ---------        ----- ------- -----------
          123456789           5  20000.00          1      1      55000.00
          333445555           5  40000.00          4      3      93000.00
          666884444           5  38000.00	       5      4     133000.00
          453453453           5  25000.00 
          999887777           4  25000.00 
          987654321           4  43000.00          Missing dept name !
          987987987           4  25000.00 
          888665555           1  55000.00 
          dname           dnumber   mgrssn      mgrstartdate  
          --------------  -------   ---------   ------------
          Research              5   333445555   22-MAY-78     
          Administration        4   987654321   01-JAN-85     
          Headquarters          1   888665555   19-JUN-71    

  Sample GROUP BY query 1: restriction on the SELECT attributes  

  • For each department, show the department NAME, number of employees and average salary paid to the employees in the department

    (1) First, we join employee ⋈ department to get the department name:

       select ssn, dno, dname, salary		       
       from employee, department		       
       where dno=dnumber		       
       | ssn       | dno | dname          | salary   |
       | 123456789 |   5 | Research       | 20000.00 |
       | 333445555 |   5 | Research       | 40000.00 |
       | 666884444 |   5 | Research       | 38000.00 |
       | 453453453 |   5 | Research       | 25000.00 |
       | 999887777 |   4 | Administration | 25000.00 |
       | 987654321 |   4 | Administration | 43000.00 |
       | 987987987 |   4 | Administration | 25000.00 |
       | 888665555 |   1 | Headquarters   | 55000.00 |

  Sample GROUP BY query 1: restriction on the SELECT attributes  

  • For each department, show the department NAME, number of employees and average salary paid to the employees in the department

    (1) First, we join employee ⋈ department to get the department name:

       select ssn, dno, dname, salary		       
       from employee, department		       
       where dno=dnumber		       
       | ssn       | dno | dname          | salary   |
       | 123456789 |   5 | Research       | 20000.00 |
       | 333445555 |   5 | Research       | 40000.00 |
       | 666884444 |   5 | Research       | 38000.00 |
       | 453453453 |   5 | Research       | 25000.00 |
       | 999887777 |   4 | Administration | 25000.00 |
       | 987654321 |   4 | Administration | 43000.00 |
       | 987987987 |   4 | Administration | 25000.00 |
       | 888665555 |   1 | Headquarters   | 55000.00 |

    Wrong solution:

        SELECT   dname, COUNT(ssn), AVG(salary)
        FROM     employee, department
        WHERE    dno = dnumber
        GROUP BY dno   // dname is not a grouping attribute !

  Sample GROUP BY query 1: restriction on the SELECT attributes  

  • For each department, show the department NAME, number of employees and average salary paid to the employees in the department

    (1) First, we join employee ⋈ department to get the department name:

       select ssn, dno, dname, salary		       
       from employee, department		       
       where dno=dnumber		       
       | ssn       | dno | dname          | salary   |
       | 123456789 |   5 | Research       | 20000.00 |
       | 333445555 |   5 | Research       | 40000.00 |
       | 666884444 |   5 | Research       | 38000.00 |
       | 453453453 |   5 | Research       | 25000.00 |
       | 999887777 |   4 | Administration | 25000.00 |
       | 987654321 |   4 | Administration | 43000.00 |
       | 987987987 |   4 | Administration | 25000.00 |
       | 888665555 |   1 | Headquarters   | 55000.00 |

    Correct solution:

        SELECT   dname, COUNT(ssn), AVG(salary)
        FROM     employee, department
        WHERE    dno = dnumber
        GROUP BY dno, dname