Set functions available in SQL  

  • The set functions available in SQL are:

    • SUM( ): sums a set of values

    • AVG( ): takes the average of a set of values

    • MAX( ): finds the maximum value of a set of values

    • MIN( ): finds the minimum value of a set of values

    • COUNT( ): returns the number of elements in a set
      (Duplicates are counted multiple times !!!)

    • COUNT(DISTINCT ...): returns the number of distinct elements in a set
      (Duplicates are counted once)

  Using set functions in the SELECT clause  

  • Syntax

         SELECT  SetFunction( attribute ) , ...            
         FROM  ....
         WHERE ....


    • Apply the set function SetFunction( ) on the attribute values in the tuples selected by the WHERE clause

  • Note:

    • To apply the set function on a different set of tuples:

      • Change the WHERE clause condition

  Example 1:   set functions in the SELECT clause  

  • This query finds the salary of all employees in the company:

        SELECT salary                       SALARY
        FROM   employee                 ----------

  • Then the sum set function will compute the sum of all employees' salary:

        SELECT sum(salary)             SUM(SALARY)
        FROM   employee                ----------- 

  Example 2:   set functions in the SELECT clause  

  • This query finds the salary of all employees in department #4:

        SELECT salary                       SALARY
        FROM   employee                 ----------
        WHERE  dno = 4                    25000.00

  • Then the sum set function will compute the sum of the salary of employees in department #4:

        SELECT sum(salary)             SUM(SALARY)
        FROM   employee                ----------- 
        WHERE  dno = 4                    93000.00 

  Renaming the output attributes with an alias  

  • Names given to set functions attributes are not legal identifiers:

       select max(salary), avg(salary), sum(salary)
       from employee			    
       max(salary) avg(salary)   sum(salary)    <--- Illegal identifiers
       ----------- ------------- ---------      
       55000.00    33875.000000  271000.00 

  • To obtain names that are identifiers, you can rename the attributes:

       select max(salary) Max, avg(salary) Average, sum(salary) Sum       
       from employee			    
       Max       Average       Sum         <--- Legal identifiers         
       --------- ------------- --------- 
       55000.00  33875.000000  271000.00                 

  • This feature will be important when set functions are used in subqueries