How to use correlated queries  

  • Find the fname, lname of the employee that earn the highest salary in his/her department

    (1) Formulate the query at a high level using sets:

     select fname, lname
     from   employee A  // We test 1 tuple of the outer relation at a time
                        // Let's call the current tuple that we test 
    		    // the tuple employee "A"     
     where  A's salary = max { salary of employees in employee A's department }
    Employe A is selected if: A's salary = highest salary among all employees in A's department

  How to use correlated queries  

  • Find the fname, lname of the employee that earn the highest salary in his/her department

    (2) Re-write/refine the condition using a valid tuple condition

     select fname, lname
     from   employee A  // We test 1 tuple of the outer relation at a time
                        // Let's call the current tuple that we test 
    		    // the tuple employee "A"     
     where  A's salary = max { salary of employees in employee A's department }
    select fname, lname from employee A where salary >= ALL { salary of employees in employee A's department }

  How to use correlated queries  

  • Find the fname, lname of the employee that earn the highest salary in his/her department

    (3) Formulate the subquery in SQL:

     select fname, lname
     from   employee A  // We test 1 tuple of the outer relation at a time
                        // Let's call the current tuple that we test 
    		    // the tuple employee "A"     
     where  A's salary = max { salary of employees in employee A's department }
    select fname, lname from employee A where salary >= ALL { salary of employees in employee A's department }
    select fname, lname from employee A where salary >= ALL (select salary from employee // Employees in A's department where dno = A.dno)

  Another example on how to use correlated query: when to use NOT EXISTS  

  • Find name of departments that do not have any female employee

    (1) Formulate the query at a high level using sets:

       select dname 
       from   department D // we test 1 tuple at a time - call this tuple "D" 
       where  { set of female employee of in department D } = empty set
    Department D is selected if: The set of female employee in department D is empty I.e.: there are no female employees in department D

  Another example on how to use correlated query: when to use NOT EXISTS  

  • Find name of departments that do not have any female employee

    (2) Re-write/refine the condition using a valid tuple condition

       select dname 
       from   department D // we test 1 tuple at a time - call this tuple "D" 
       where  { set of female employee of in department D } = empty set
    select dname from department D // we test 1 tuple at a time - call this tuple "D" where NOT EXISTS { set of female employee of in department D }

  Another example on how to use correlated query: when to use NOT EXISTS  

  • Find name of departments that do not have any female employee

    (3) Formulate the subquery in SQL:

       select dname 
       from   department D // we test 1 tuple at a time - call this tuple "D" 
       where  { set of female employee of in department D } = empty set
    select dname from department D // we test 1 tuple at a time - call this tuple "D" where NOT EXISTS { set of female employee of in department D }
    select dname from department D where NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM employee E // Female employees in department D WHERE = 'F' AND E.dno = D.dnumber )