Uncorrelated/correlated for-loops  

  • Uncorrelated for-loop:

       for (i = 0; i < N; i++)             // Outer loop             
          for (j = 5; j < N; j++)          // Inner loop
             ...  // Execution behavior not dependent on other loop

  • Correlated for-loop:

       for (i = 0; i < N; i++)             // Outer loop             
          for (j = i; j < N-i; j++)        // Inner loop
             ...  // Execution behavior depends on other loop

  Uncorrelated nested query  

  • Uncorrelated nested query:

    • The inner (sub)query is a stand-alone query that can be executed independently from the outer query


        SELECT fname, lname
        FROM   employee
        WHERE  ssn NOT IN
                   (SELECT essn         /* Can be executed by itself */     
    	        FROM   dependent)   

  • The subquery:

                   (SELECT essn         /* Can be executed by itself */     
    	        FROM   dependent)   

    can be executed without the using information from the outer query

  Correlated nested query  

  • Correlated nested query:

    • Correlated nested query = a nested query where the inner query (i.e., the query inside the WHERE clause) uses one or more attributes from relation(s) specfied in the outer query.


    The subquery (inner query) is executed using some information from the outer query

  Meaning (= processing) of a correlated query  

  • Consider the following example of a correlated nested query:

       SELECT fname, lname, salary, dno   
       from employee A			   
       where salary >= ALL (select salary	   
       		        from employee B   
       		        where B.dno=A.dno)

  • How to evaluate/execute a correlated nested query:

       FOR (each tuple  a ∈ A (= employee)  in the outer query) DO  
          Evaluate the tuple condition using the attribute values       
          found in the tuple  a  in the outer query;


    • The inner query will use a different value for A.dno each time

  Example evaluation (= processing) of a correlated query  

  • Consider the following correlated nested query:

       SELECT fname, lname, salary, dno   
       from employee A			   
       where salary >= ALL (select salary	   
       		        from employee B   
       		        where B.dno=A.dno)  

    Sample input relation:

        fname  lname    salary    dno (other not relevant attr's omitted)
        ------ -------- --------- -----------           
        John   Smith    30000.00  5           
        Frankl Wong     40000.00  5           
        Alicia Zelaya   25000.00  4           
        Jennif Wallace  43000.00  4           
        Ramesh Narayan  38000.00  5           
        Joyce  English  25000.00  5           
        Ahmad  Jabbar   25000.00  4           
        James  Borg     55000.00  1  

  Example evaluation (= processing) of a correlated query  

       SELECT fname, lname, salary, dno   
       from employee A			   
       where salary >= ALL (select salary	   
       		        from employee B   
       		        where B.dno=A.dno)  

        fname  lname    salary    dno (other not relevant attr's omitted)
        ------ -------- --------- -----------           
        John   Smith    30000.00  5 <-- tuple #1 in the outer relation     
        Frankl Wong     40000.00  5           
        Alicia Zelaya   25000.00  4           
        Jennif Wallace  43000.00  4           
        Ramesh Narayan  38000.00  5           
        Joyce  English  25000.00  5           
        Ahmad  Jabbar   25000.00  4           
        James  Borg     55000.00  1  
      Outer tuple 1: A = John   Smith    30000.00    5           
              WHERE salary   >= ALL (select salary from employee B where B.dno=A.dno) 
         ==>  WHERE 30000.00 >= ALL (select salary from employee B where B.dno= 5 )
         ==>  WHERE 30000.00 >= ALL (30000, 40000, 38000, 25000)
         ==>  FALSE

  Example evaluation (= processing) of a correlated query  

       SELECT fname, lname, salary, dno   
       from employee A			   
       where salary >= ALL (select salary	   
       		        from employee B   
       		        where B.dno=A.dno)  

        fname  lname    salary    dno (other not relevant attr's omitted)
        ------ -------- --------- -----------           
        John   Smith    30000.00  5     
        Frankl Wong     40000.00  5 <-- tuple #2 in the outer relation           
        Alicia Zelaya   25000.00  4           
        Jennif Wallace  43000.00  4           
        Ramesh Narayan  38000.00  5           
        Joyce  English  25000.00  5           
        Ahmad  Jabbar   25000.00  4           
        James  Borg     55000.00  1  
      Outer tuple 2: A = Frankl Wong     40000.00    5           
              WHERE salary   >= ALL (select salary from employee B where B.dno=A.dno) 
         ==>  WHERE 40000.00 >= ALL (select salary from employee B where B.dno= 5 )
         ==>  WHERE 40000.00 >= ALL (30000, 40000, 38000, 25000)
         ==>  TRUE     tuple #2 selected for output

  Example evaluation (= processing) of a correlated query  

       SELECT fname, lname, salary, dno   
       from employee A			   
       where salary >= ALL (select salary	   
       		        from employee B   
       		        where B.dno=A.dno)  

        fname  lname    salary    dno (other not relevant attr's omitted)
        ------ -------- --------- -----------           
        John   Smith    30000.00  5     
        Frankl Wong     40000.00  5           
        Alicia Zelaya   25000.00  4 <-- tuple #3 in the outer relation           
        Jennif Wallace  43000.00  4           
        Ramesh Narayan  38000.00  5           
        Joyce  English  25000.00  5           
        Ahmad  Jabbar   25000.00  4           
        James  Borg     55000.00  1  
      Outer tuple 3: A = Alicia Zelaya   25000.00    4           
              WHERE salary   >= ALL (select salary from employee B where B.dno=A.dno) 
         ==>  WHERE 25000.00 >= ALL (select salary from employee B where B.dno= 4 )
         ==>  WHERE 25000.00 >= ALL (25000, 43000)
         ==>  FALSE 

  Example evaluation (= processing) of a correlated query  

       SELECT fname, lname, salary, dno   
       from employee A			   
       where salary >= ALL (select salary	   
       		        from employee B   
       		        where B.dno=A.dno)  

        fname  lname    salary    dno (other not relevant attr's omitted)
        ------ -------- --------- -----------           
        John   Smith    30000.00  5     
        Frankl Wong     40000.00  5           
        Alicia Zelaya   25000.00  4           
        Jennif Wallace  43000.00  4 <-- tuple #4 in the outer relation           
        Ramesh Narayan  38000.00  5           
        Joyce  English  25000.00  5           
        Ahmad  Jabbar   25000.00  4           
        James  Borg     55000.00  1  
      Outer tuple 4: A = Jennif Wallace  43000.00    4           
              WHERE salary   >= ALL (select salary from employee B where B.dno=A.dno) 
         ==>  WHERE 43000.00 >= ALL (select salary from employee B where B.dno= 4 )
         ==>  WHERE 43000.00 >= ALL (25000, 43000)
         ==>  TRUE     tuple #4 selected for output   And so on...

  Example evaluation (= processing) of a correlated query  

       SELECT fname, lname, salary, dno   
       from employee A			   
       where salary >= ALL (select salary	   
       		        from employee B   
       		        where B.dno=A.dno)  

        fname  lname    salary    dno (other not relevant attr's omitted)
        ------ -------- --------- -----------           
        John   Smith    30000.00  5     
        Frankl Wong     40000.00  5  <----         
        Alicia Zelaya   25000.00  4           
        Jennif Wallace  43000.00  4  <----
        Ramesh Narayan  38000.00  5           
        Joyce  English  25000.00  5           
        Ahmad  Jabbar   25000.00  4           
        James  Borg     55000.00  1  <----  
        fname  lname    salary    dno         
        ------ -------- --------- ----      
        Frankl Wong     40000.00  5   <--- Employee who has the              
        Jennif Wallace  43000.00  4        highest salary
        James  Borg     55000.00  1        in his/her department