SQL default output is a bag (allows dupicates)

  • SQL outputs by default duplicate values


       SELECT name   
       FROM   dependent                                
    Output: NAME ---------- Alice Abner Alice Elizabeth Joy Micheal Theodore

  • Reason:

    • removing duplicates will require additional processing

Removing duplicates from SQL output: DISTINCT

  • To remove duplicate values, use the DISTINCT keyword in the SELECT clause


       SELECT DISTINCT name                      
       FROM   dependent 
    Output: NAME ---------- Alice Theodore Joy Abner Micheal Elizabeth

  SQL's "all attributes" selector *  

  • The SELECT * clause will select all attributes in the relations in the FROM clause


        SELECT *
        FROM   department
        WHERE  dname = 'Research';
          DNAME              DNUMBER MGRSSN    MGRSTARTDA
          --------------- ---------- --------- ----------      
          Research                 5 333445555 22-MAY-78

    All attributes in the relation department are selected for output