SQL Query Example 1: a simple projection query

  • Query:

    • Find the fname and lname of all employees


       select fname, lname                   
       from   employee

SQL Query Example 2: query with a simple tuple condition

  • Query:

    • Find the fname and lname of all employees in department 4


       select fname, lname                   
       from   employee
       where  dno = 4         

SQL Query Example 3: a join query

  • Find the name and address of employees in the Research department


      Name and address of all employees:
         SELECT fname, lname, address, dno      
         FROM employee
    Add in department name information: SELECT fname, lname, address, dno, dname FROM employee, department where dno = dnumber
    Get info for employees in the Research department SELECT fname, lname, address FROM employee, department WHERE dno = dnumber AND dname = 'Research'

Example 4+5: multiple join condition - part 1

  • Find the ssn of employees who work on the project 'ProductX'

      Find project 'ProductX':
           SELECT  pnumber, pname
           FROM    project
           WHERE   pname = 'ProductX'
    Find who (ssn) works on this project: SELECT essn, pnumber, pname FROM project, works_on WHERE pname = 'ProductX' AND pno = pnumber
    Answer: (by projecting the requested attributes) SELECT essn FROM project, works_on WHERE pname = 'ProductX' AND pno = pnumber

Example 4+5: multiple join condition - part 2

  • Find the name of employees who work on the project 'ProductX'

       Previously: find ssn of employees working on ProductX:     
           SELECT  essn	     
           FROM    works_on, project      
           WHERE   pname = 'ProductX'
             AND   pno = pnumber
    Solution: add in information of employee using foreign key essn: SELECT fname, lname FROM employee, works_on, project WHERE ssn = essn AND pname = 'ProductX' AND pno = pnumber