The Relational Model (how the data is stored)
- The Relational Model used in the
Relational Algebra
Query 1:
a very simple projection query
- Query:
- Find the fname and
lname of
- Relation(s) that contain the
necessary information
to answer the query:
- Solution:
Query 2:
combining selection and projection operators -
(use in the correct order !!)
- Query:
- Find the fname and
lname of
that earn
> 50000
- Relation(s) that contain the
necessary information
to answer the query:
- Solution:
- πfname,lname
σsalary > 50000
(employee) )
can we
switch the
order of the
operations ???
Query 2:
combining selection and projection operators -
(use in the correct order !!)
- Query:
- Find the fname and
lname of
that earn
> 50000
- Relation(s) that contain the
necessary information
to answer the query:
this solution is
σsalary > 50000
( πfname,lname
(employee) )
σsalary > 50000
uses attribute
salary and
the output of
πfname, lname
do not contain
salary !!!
Query 3: a
conjunction (AND) query
- Query:
- Find the fname and
lname of
in department 4
that earn
> 50000
- Relation(s) that contain the
necessary information
to answer the query:
- Solution:
- πfname,lname
( σdno = 4 ∧ salary > 50000
(employee) )
Query 4: a
join query
- Query:
- Find fname
and lname
of all employees working in the
department that earn
more than $50,000
- Relation(s) that contain
the necessary information
to answer the query:
- Employee (provides
fname, lname, salary and
dno info)
- Department
dnumber and
dname (= 'Research') info)
- Step 1:
combine the
information from
and Department using
a join (⋈)
πfn,ln ( σdname='Res' ∧ sal > 50000 ( Emp ⋈dno=dnumber Dept ) )
Query 4: a
join query
- Query:
- Find fname
and lname
of all employees working in the
department that earn
more than $50,000
- Relation(s) that contain
the necessary information
to answer the query:
- Employee (provides
fname, lname, salary and
dno info)
- Department
dnumber and
dname (= 'Research') info)
- Step 2:
we can apply the
selection conditions
πfn,ln ( σdname='Res' ∧ sal > 50000 ( Emp ⋈dno=dnumber Dept ) )
Query 4: a
join query
- Query:
- Find fname
and lname
of all employees working in the
department that earn
more than $50,000
- Relation(s) that contain
the necessary information
to answer the query:
- Employee (provides
fname, lname, salary and
dno info)
- Department
dnumber and
dname (= 'Research') info)
- Step 3 (final):
project out the
attributes that we
πfn,ln ( σdname='Res' ∧ sal > 50000 ( Emp ⋈dno=dnumber Dept ) )
How to
create a temporary relation
and renaming attributes
Query 5: how to use
a temporary relation in
Query 5: how to use
a temporary relation in
- Query:
- Find fname and
lname of
John Smith's
- Solution: rename
the attribute name in
temporary relation to
Query 6:
how to formulate a "negation" query
- Query:
- Find fname
and lname of all
employees that
have dependents
- Solution:
Query 6:
how to formulate a "negation" query
- Query:
- Find fname
and lname of all
employees that
do not have
any dependents
Query 6:
how to formulate a "negation" query
- Query:
- Find fname
and lname of all
employees that
do not have
any dependents
- Example that
why the
query is
has no
Query 6:
how to formulate a "negation" query
- Query:
- Find fname
and lname of all
employees that
do not have
any dependents
- The correct