- Example content of the
fname minit lname ssn bdate address sex salary superssn dno
------ ----- -------- --------- ---------- ------------------------- --- --------- --------- -----------
John B Smith 123456789 09-JAN-55 731 Fondren, Houston, TX M 30000.00 333445555 5
Frankl T Wong 333445555 08-DEC-45 638 Voss, Houston, TX M 40000.00 888665555 5
Alicia J Zelaya 999887777 19-JUL-58 3321 Castle, Spring, TX F 25000.00 987654321 4
Jennif S Wallace 987654321 20-JUN-31 291 Berry, Bellair3, TX F 43000.00 888665555 4
Ramesh K Narayan 666884444 15-SEP-52 975 Fire Oak, Humble, TX M 38000.00 333445555 5
Joyce A English 453453453 31-JUL-62 5631 Rice, Houston, TX F 25000.00 333445555 5
Ahmad V Jabbar 987987987 29-MAR-59 980 Dallas, Houston, TX M 25000.00 987654321 4
James E Borg 888665555 10-NOV-27 450 Stone, Houston, TX M 55000.00 null 1
- Example content of the
dname dnumber mgrssn mgrstartdate
--------------- ----------- --------- ------------
Research 5 333445555 22-MAY-78
Administration 4 987654321 01-JAN-85
Headquarters 1 888665555 19-JUN-71