The Relational Model

  • Relational Model:

    • Relational Model = a collection of relations that store information about some micro-world

  • Example Relational Model of a University (micro-world):

Relations used to represent the University micro-world

  • The relations that correspond to the 3 tables (of data) storing information of the University:

Relations used to represent the University micro-world

  • The relations that correspond to the 3 tables (of data) storing information of the University:

    A relation consists of

    • A relation name (in the example: Student, Course and GradeReport)

    • The list of attributes in each relation

A relational model of a company

  • A relational model about a company:

Meaning of the employee and the department relations/tables

  • The employee relation stores information of the employees:

    • fname = first name of employee
    • minit = middle initial of employee
    • lname = last name of employee
    • SSN = social security number of employee (key, or unique identifier)
    • bdate = birthdate of employee
    • address = address of employee
    • sex = social security number of employee's supervisor
    • DNO = department number of the department where employee works

  • the department relation stores information of the departments in the company

    • dname = name of the department
    • dnumber = department number of the department (key, or unique identifier)
    • mgrSSN = SSN of employee that manages the department
    • mgrStartDate = date that manager employer starts managing the department

Example content of the employee and department relations

  • Example content of the employee relation:

    fname  minit lname    ssn       bdate      address                   sex salary    superssn  dno         
    ------ ----- -------- --------- ---------- ------------------------- --- --------- --------- ----------- 
    John   B     Smith    123456789 09-JAN-55  731 Fondren, Houston, TX  M    30000.00 333445555           5 
    Frankl T     Wong     333445555 08-DEC-45  638 Voss, Houston, TX     M    40000.00 888665555           5 
    Alicia J     Zelaya   999887777 19-JUL-58  3321 Castle, Spring, TX   F    25000.00 987654321           4 
    Jennif S     Wallace  987654321 20-JUN-31  291 Berry, Bellair3, TX   F    43000.00 888665555           4 
    Ramesh K     Narayan  666884444 15-SEP-52  975 Fire Oak, Humble, TX  M    38000.00 333445555           5 
    Joyce  A     English  453453453 31-JUL-62  5631 Rice, Houston, TX    F    25000.00 333445555           5 
    Ahmad  V     Jabbar   987987987 29-MAR-59  980 Dallas, Houston, TX   M    25000.00 987654321           4 
    James  E     Borg     888665555 10-NOV-27  450 Stone, Houston, TX    M    55000.00 null                1 

  • Example content of the department relation:

    dname           dnumber     mgrssn    mgrstartdate 
    --------------- ----------- --------- ------------ 
    Research                  5 333445555 22-MAY-78    
    Administration            4 987654321 01-JAN-85    
    Headquarters              1 888665555 19-JUN-71   

Example of the use of a foreign key

  • dno in the employee relation is the primary key in the department relation:

    fname  minit lname    ssn       bdate      address                   sex salary    superssn  dno         
    ------ ----- -------- --------- ---------- ------------------------- --- --------- --------- ----------- 
    John   B     Smith    123456789 09-JAN-55  731 Fondren, Houston, TX  M    30000.00 333445555           5 
    Frankl T     Wong     333445555 08-DEC-45  638 Voss, Houston, TX     M    40000.00 888665555           5 
    Alicia J     Zelaya   999887777 19-JUL-58  3321 Castle, Spring, TX   F    25000.00 987654321           4 
    Jennif S     Wallace  987654321 20-JUN-31  291 Berry, Bellair3, TX   F    43000.00 888665555           4 
    Ramesh K     Narayan  666884444 15-SEP-52  975 Fire Oak, Humble, TX  M    38000.00 333445555           5 
    Joyce  A     English  453453453 31-JUL-62  5631 Rice, Houston, TX    F    25000.00 333445555           5 
    Ahmad  V     Jabbar   987987987 29-MAR-59  980 Dallas, Houston, TX   M    25000.00 987654321           4 
    James  E     Borg     888665555 10-NOV-27  450 Stone, Houston, TX    M    55000.00 null                1 

  • The primary key of the department relation is dnumber:

    dname           dnumber     mgrssn    mgrstartdate 
    --------------- ----------- --------- ------------ 
    Research                  5 333445555 22-MAY-78    
    Administration            4 987654321 01-JAN-85    
    Headquarters              1 888665555 19-JUN-71   

Example of the use of a foreign key

  • The employee John Smith works in the dnum = 5:

    fname  minit lname    ssn       bdate      address                   sex salary    superssn  dno         
    ------ ----- -------- --------- ---------- ------------------------- --- --------- --------- ----------- 
    John   B     Smith    123456789 09-JAN-55  731 Fondren, Houston, TX  M    30000.00 333445555           5 
    Frankl T     Wong     333445555 08-DEC-45  638 Voss, Houston, TX     M    40000.00 888665555           5 
    Alicia J     Zelaya   999887777 19-JUL-58  3321 Castle, Spring, TX   F    25000.00 987654321           4 
    Jennif S     Wallace  987654321 20-JUN-31  291 Berry, Bellair3, TX   F    43000.00 888665555           4 
    Ramesh K     Narayan  666884444 15-SEP-52  975 Fire Oak, Humble, TX  M    38000.00 333445555           5 
    Joyce  A     English  453453453 31-JUL-62  5631 Rice, Houston, TX    F    25000.00 333445555           5 
    Ahmad  V     Jabbar   987987987 29-MAR-59  980 Dallas, Houston, TX   M    25000.00 987654321           4 
    James  E     Borg     888665555 10-NOV-27  450 Stone, Houston, TX    M    55000.00 null                1 

  • The department Research has dnumber = 5:

    dname           dnumber     mgrssn    mgrstartdate 
    --------------- ----------- --------- ------------ 
    Research                  5 333445555 22-MAY-78    
    Administration            4 987654321 01-JAN-85    
    Headquarters              1 888665555 19-JUN-71   

    Therefore: employee John Smith works in the Research department

Meaning of the department_loc and the project relations/tables

  • The department_loc relation stores information of the locations of departments in the company

    • dnumber = department number of the department
    • dlocation = the location (address) of this department

  • The project relation stores information of the projects of the company

    • pname = name of the project
    • pnumber = project number of the project (key, or unique identifier)
    • plocation = the location (address) where project is performed
    • dnum = department number of the department that manages the project

Example content of the department_loc and project relations

  • Example content of the department_loc relation:

    dnumber     dlocation  
    ----------- ---------- 
              1 Houston    
              4 Stafford   
              5 Bellaire   
              5 Sugarland  
              5 Houston           

  • Example content of the project relation:

    pname           pnumber     plocation  dnum        
    --------------- ----------- ---------- ----------- 
    ProductX                  1 Bellaire             5 
    ProductY                  2 Sugarland            5 
    ProductZ                  3 Houston              5 
    Computerization          10 Stafford             4 
    Reorganization           20 Houston              1 
    Newbenefits              30 Stafford             4   

Meaning of the works_on and the dependent relations/tables

  • The works_on relation stores information on "which employee works on which project":

    • ESSN = social security number of employee that works on a project
    • pno = project number of the project that the employee works on
    • hours = # hours that the employee works on the project

  • The dependent relation stores information on dependents of the employees

    • ESSN = social security number of employee that has a dependent
    • dep_name = name of the employee's dependent
    • sex = sex of the employee's dependent
    • bdate = birthdate of the employee's dependent
    • relationship = relationship (son, daugther, father, etc) between employee and his/her dependent

Example content of the works_on and dependent relations

  • Example content of the works_on relation:

    essn      pno         hours   
    --------- ----------- ------- 
    123456789           1    32.5 
    123456789           2     7.5 
    333445555           2    10.0 
    999887777          30    30.0 
    999887777          10    10.0 
    987654321          30    20.0 
    666884444           3    40.0 
    453453453           1    20.0            
    987987987          10    35.0 
    888665555          20     1.0 

  • Example content of the dependent relation:

    essn      name       sex bdate      relationship 
    --------- ---------- --- ---------- ------------ 
    333445555 Alice      F   05-APR-76  DAUGHTER     
    333445555 Theodore   M   25-OCT-73  SON          
    333445555 Joy        F   03-MAY-48  SPOUSE       
    987654321 Abner      M   29-FEB-32  SPOUSE       
    123456789 Micheal    M   01-JAN-78  SON          
    123456789 Alice      F   31-DEC-78  DAUGHTER     
    123456789 Elizabeth  F   05-MAY-57  SPOUSE