** Bridge receives a configuration message on port Port; /* ===================================================== How to detect the last node in an even cycle ===================================================== */ if ( ( RootID in the control message == myRoot ) AND ( Distance in message == myDistance - 1 ) ) then { if ( Status(Port) != Root ) Status(Port) = BLOCKED; // Block the non-root port ! } |
(You must not block both bridges, or else you will disconnect some LAN !!!)
Bridge received a configuration message Msg on port Port; /* ================================================ How to detect the last node in an odd cycle ================================================ */ if ( ( Msg(RootID) == myRoot ) AND ( Msg(Distance) == myDistance ) ) { /* ================================================ Block the port of the bridge with the large ID ================================================ */ if ( myID > Msg(SourceID) ) Status(Port) = BLOCKED; } |