Due: See class webpage.
There are N = 10 nodes connected to the token ring network.
A node is allowed to transmit 1 packet when it receives the token.
When a node receives the token and transmits a message, the message must return back to the sending node and then the node will pass the token to the next node in the ring.
We assume that all messages have the same length and each message is 1000 bytes (= 8000 bits) long.
The distance between any 2 nodes is the same and it takes 1.0 msec (milli sec) for a message to travel to the next node in the token ring.
We define the token rotation time Trot to be the time between 2 consecutive arrivals of the token at the same node.
For example:
ID = 4444 predeccessor = 5678 successor = 1234 |
Suppose the node 4444 wish to invite other nodes to join the token bus network
Suppose this node receives the token frame from the node 5555
Use the original values in the node's variables to answer this question
Suppose this node receives a Who_follows(5678) from node 9999
chip of A = 1010111 chip of B = 1101000 |
The nodes received the following transmissions:
A B --------------------------------- 1111111 _______ _______ 1000000 _______ _______ 0111111 _______ _______ 0000000 _______ _______ |
Write in the table above the bit value that each node will assign to each transmission (10 pts)
A's frames will be numbered as A1, A2 and so on, and B's frames will be numbered as B1, B2 and so on.
Suppose the IEEE 802.11 MAC algorithm using this value for the initial back off window size:
CWmin = 15 (i.e.: initial choice of random numbers from [0 .. 15]) |
Suppose A and B simultaneously (= at the same time) attempt to send frame 1 and the transmissions collide (= did not receive an ACK frame).
Assumes that A chooses backoff time 2×T (i.e., A picked the random number 2) and B chooses backoff time 14×T.
According to the DCF protocol (see: click here ), A will wins the race and transmits its first frame A1 successfully.
Notice that when A starts transmitting its first frame A1, the node B will pause its count down (see the DCF protocol: click here ) !!!
When node A finishes transmitting the frame A1, the node A first perform a back off (while B will resume the count down)
Therefore, nodes A and B will be competing compete to transmit their frames.