Due: See class webpage.
I.e.: you only need to label the frame in Stop-and-Wait using sequence numbers:
The ACK scheme used is cumulative ACK where ACK N acknowledges all frames upto (but not including) frame N
The sender transmits 4 frames to the receiver and 2 of the frames are received in error. (Recall that the receiver can use the CRC code in a frame to check if the frame is in error)
The following diagram show the transmitted frames:
Questions: what is the response of the receiver for these frames:
The a one-way propagation delay between earth and moon is 1 sec.
Assume that the frame size is fixed and is equal to 1 KBytes, you can assume that 1 KBytes = 8000 bits.
You can assume the ACK frame is negligible.
A sliding window protocol uses the cumulative ACK scheme.
We will use a slightly different Acknowledgement scheme:
(So you must adjust what you have learned to the above scheme !!!
The number of bits in the sequence number field is 3 (8 different sequence numbers).
A receive windows size and send window size is 5.
The initial send and receiver windows are {0,1,2,3,4}.
The following events occurs at the receiver in the given sequence: