In other words:
SSN | FName | LName | PNumber | PName | Hours |
111-11-1111 | John | Smith | pj1 | DBApplet | 20 |
111-11-1111 | John | Smith | pj2 | WebServer | 10 |
111-22-3333 | Jane | Doe | pj1 | DBApplet | 5 |
The content of the relation Employee1 convey the following facts:
Employee1(SSN, FName, LName, PNumber, PName, Hours) into: R1 (SSN, FName, LName) R2 (PNumber, PName, Hours) |
we must also:
R1 = πSSN, FName, LName(Employee1) R2 = πPNumber, PName, Hours(Employee1) |
SSN | FName | LName | PNumber | PName | Hours |
111-11-1111 | John | Smith | pj1 | DBApplet | 20 |
111-11-1111 | John | Smith | pj2 | WebServer | 10 |
111-22-3333 | Jane | Doe | pj1 | DBApplet | 5 |
if ( R1 ∩ R2 != ∅ ) { reconstruction = R1 * R2 // Natural join } else { reconstruction = R1 × R2 // Cartesian product } |
× |
= |
SSN | FName | LName | PNumber | PName | Hours |
111-11-1111 | John | Smith | pj1 | DBApplet | 20 |
111-11-1111 | John | Smith | pj2 | WebServer | 10 |
111-11-1111 | John | Smith | pj1 | DBApplet | 5 |
111-22-3333 | Jane | Doe | pj1 | DBApplet | 20 |
111-22-3333 | Jane | Doe | pj2 | WebServer | 10 |
111-22-3333 | Jane | Doe | pj1 | DBApplet | 5 |
Compare the content of the reconstruction to the content of the original Employee1 relation:
SSN | FName | LName | PNumber | PName | Hours |
111-11-1111 | John | Smith | pj1 | DBApplet | 20 |
111-11-1111 | John | Smith | pj2 | WebServer | 10 |
111-22-3333 | Jane | Doe | pj1 | DBApplet | 5 |
Employee1(SSN, FName, LName, PNumber, PName, Hours) into: R3 (SSN, FName, LName) R4 (SSN, PNumber, PName, Hours) |
SSN | FName | LName | PNumber | PName | Hours |
111-11-1111 | John | Smith | pj1 | DBApplet | 20 |
111-11-1111 | John | Smith | pj2 | WebServer | 10 |
111-22-3333 | Jane | Doe | pj1 | DBApplet | 5 |
Content of the decomposition:
* |
= |
SSN | FName | LName | PNumber | PName | Hours |
111-11-1111 | John | Smith | pj1 | DBApplet | 20 |
111-11-1111 | John | Smith | pj2 | WebServer | 10 |
111-22-3333 | Jane | Doe | pj1 | DBApplet | 5 |
where * is changed to a cartesian product if R1 ∩ R2 = ∅