SELECT dno, COUNT(ssn) FROM employee GROUP BY dno dno COUNT(ssn) ----------- --------------------- 1 1 4 3 5 4 |
Fact: The result of a sub-query is a relation In other words: (SELECT dno, COUNT(ssn) FROM employee GROUP BY dno) is a relation |
From the above discussion, we can find the most number of employees in any dept as follows: select max(NEmps) from (select count(ssn) NEmps from employee group by dno) A max(NEmps) --------------- 4 |
Solution - part 1: we first find the most number of dependents of any employee
1. Here are the dependents of each employee: SELECT * FROM dependent essn name sex bdate relationship --------- ---------- ------ ---------- ------------ 123456789 Micheal M 01-JAN-78 SON 123456789 Alice F 31-DEC-78 DAUGHTER 123456789 Elizabeth F 05-MAY-57 SPOUSE 333445555 Alice F 05-APR-76 DAUGHTER 333445555 Theodore M 25-OCT-73 SON 333445555 Joy F 03-MAY-48 SPOUSE 987654321 Abner M 29-FEB-32 SPOUSE |
Solution - part 2: find employees who has the most number of dependents
1. Here are the employees and their dependents: select fname, lname, name from employee, dependent where ssn=essn fname lname name ------ -------- ---------- Frankl Wong Alice Frankl Wong Theodore Frankl Wong Joy Jennif Wallace Abner John Smith Alice John Smith Elizabeth John Smith Micheal |