select ssn, fname, lname from employee; SSN FNAME LNAME --------- ---------- ---------- 123456789 John Smith 333445555 Frank Wong 987654321 Jack Wallace 999887777 Alice Miller 666884444 John Doe 453453453 Joyce English 987987987 Jake Jones 888665555 James Borg |
Notice that the inner join does not select non-matching tuples
r1 LEFT [OUTER] JOIN r2 ON join-condition |
Employee: SSN FNAME LNAME --------- ---------- ---------- 123456789 John Smith 333445555 Frank Wong 987654321 Jack Wallace 999887777 Alice Miller (Non-matching tuples listed below) 666884444 John Doe 453453453 Joyce English 987987987 Jake Jones 888665555 James Borg |
r1 RIGHT [OUTER] JOIN r2 ON join-condition |
r1 FULL [OUTER] JOIN r2 ON join-condition |