/* =========================================================== How to read ONE record USING the meta data ONE record has n_fields fields according to the Meta Data =========================================================== */ for ( int i = 0; i < n_fields; i++ ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------- HOW you access the i-th field depends on the TYPE of the field ! -------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( dataDes[i].fieldType.equals("I") ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------- Field i is an integer, use i_buf[i] to store the value -------------------------------------------------------- */ i_buf[i] = file.ReadInt( ); // Store in an int type var } else { /* -------------------------------------------------------- Field i is an String, use c_buf[i] to store the value -------------------------------------------------------- */ c_buf[i] = in.nextLine(); // Store in a String type variable } } |
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { /* ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. Find out the STRUCTURE of the data file (and store this info !) Read in the meta data from db-description and store meta data in the DataDes[] array ----------------------------------------------------------- */ DataFile descrFile = new DataFile("db-description"); // Open the meta data file n_fields = 0; // We count the actual number of fields in data while ( true ) { try { /* ======================================================= Read the description of the next field and store it ======================================================= */ dataDes[n_fields].fieldName = descrFile.ReadString(24); dataDes[n_fields].fieldType = descrFile.ReadString(4); dataDes[n_fields].fieldSize = descrFile.ReadInt(); n_fields++; // Remember the number of fields System.out.println("Field: " + dataDes[n_fields].fieldName + ", type: " + dataDes[n_fields].fieldType + ", size: " + dataDes[n_fields].fieldSize); } catch ( IOException e ) { System.out.println("\nFinish reading data description file....\n"); break; // Read error: no more data !!! } } |
cd /home/cs377001/demo/Phys-Data-Dependance/DB java ReadStuFile |