CS 377 - Database Systems
Homework 2
Due: See Class Webpage
1. The Emory College University Database
Design an ER diagram for a database for the Emory College.
Here are some facts about the college:
- The Emory College consists of a number of Departments
(MathCS, Physics, etc)
- A department has a unique name, address, phone number
and can have a number of faculty members.
- A faculty member has SSN, name, office, phone number and salary
- A department has one department chair with a starting date
- A department can teach a number of courses
- A course has a unique ID, a course name and a description
- A semester has a unique ID, a start date and an end date.
- A number of sections of a course is offered in a semester and
a section will be taught by one faculty member.
- Each section is uniquely identified by a section number.
- Not every course will be offered in a semester and
some courses may have multiple offerings (= multiple sections of
the course offered in a semester).
- A student has an ID, name and address
- A student can enrolled in one section of some course.
- A student can enrolled in multiple sections
in one semester.
(Clarification: multiple sections of different courses
- but you don't have to represent this fact in the ER diagram
because it is not easy to do)
Send me (cheung@mathcs.emory.edu) email if you need to
clarify some details...
2. Question 2
Do the question 3.16 given in this PDF file:
click here
You must produce an ER diagram as answer.
The same important comments in Question 1 applies to this question.
Some Frequently Answered Questions from students on Question 2:
- Do the "Frequently Asked Questions" for Question 1 applies to
Question 2: NO !!
- Number of majors of a student ?
At least one and at most 2.
- Number of minors of a student ?
At least zero and at most 1.
- What is the difference between a number grade and a letter grade ?
A number grade ranges from 0 to 4 and a letter grade is the
traditional A, A-, B, etc.
For example, in Emory, the letter grade 'A' is equal to the number grade
4, 'A-' is 3.7, and so on.
There is a one to one correspondence between a letter grade and
a number grade.
- Are numerical and letter grades duplication of information?
Since they are essential equivalent.
No !!
One occurrence of the fact that an grade A
is valued 4 is not duplication (otherwise, how do you know that A
is valued as 4 ? Some countries use "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F" and
values the letter grade A as 5 !).
But: multiple occurrences
of the fact that an grade A is valued 4 is duplication.
- Is the telephone number of a department unique ?
No: two very small departments can
share the same office; then these two departments
can have the same phone number.
- Comment:
a grade report is not the same as a
"report card".
A report card that students get in high school contains
many grades.
A grade report reports only one grade
Extension request
Statement of Policy on Homework Assignments
Students will be graded partially on the basis of their
homework assignments. These homework
assignments are to be treated as examinations, and are
expected to be your individual work. While
discussions with other students in the course may be
permitted or encouraged by your instructor, you
should write your program yourself.
Your instructor (and any teaching assistants assigned to
the course) will be glad to help you to the extent
that he or she feels reasonable.
Submissions based on other students solutions in prior
offerings of the course specifically violate these
guidelines, as do submissions prepared with the help of an outside "tutor".
You should take precautions to protect the confidentiality
of your work, do not collaborate on questions that you turn in
for a grade, do not show your solution to a fellow student,
not even after the due date for some students may have
receive extension.
All submissions should include a comment statement near
the top of the program of the form:
Cases of apparent plagiarism or collusion will be referred
to the Honor Council.