Shared and non-shared (private) variables in OpenMP programs

  • Similar to Pthread programs, an OpenMP has 2 different kinds of variables:

    • Shared variables where a single copy of the variable exists and all threads access the same copy of the variable

    • Non-shared (a.k.a. "private") variables where each threads access its own copy of the variable

  • Defining shared and non-shared variables in OpenNMP:

    • By location:

      • A variable defined outside the parallel region is shared
      • A variable defined inside the parallel region is non-shared

    • With keywords:

      • A variable defined as shared(varName) in the #pragma omp parallel are shared
      • A variable defined as private(varName) in the #pragma omp parallel are non-shared

Example of a shared variable in OpenMP

  • Example of using a shared variable in OpenMP:

    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
       int N;       // Outside parallel region: shared
       N = 1;
       printf("Before parallel region: N = %d\n", N);
       #pragma omp parallel
          for ( int i = 0; i < 10000; i++ )
             N = N + 1;     // Concurrent updates to a SHARED variable 
       printf("After  parallel region: N = %d\n", N);

  • Concurrent updates to a shared variable will result in "missed" updates

DEMO: demo/OpenMP/shared-var.c (gcc -fopenmp shared-var.c)

Example of a non-shared (private) variable in OpenMP

  • Example of using a non-shared (private) variable in OpenMP:

    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
       int N;       // Outside parallel region: shared
       N = 7;
       printf("Before parallel region: N = %d\n", N);
       #pragma omp parallel 
          int N = 1;     // private (non-shared) variable 
          for ( int i = 0; i < 10000; i++ )
             N = N + 1;     // Updates to a NON-SHARED variable 
          printf("Inside parallel region: N = %d\n", N);
       printf("After  parallel region: N = %d\n", N);

  • Note:   there are 2 different variables named  N  used in this OpenMP program !

DEMO: demo/OpenMP/private-var.c (gcc -fopenmp private-var.c)