Sharing the system bus

The system bus is a information transport conduit between any 2 components in a computer:

(1) for sending data between CPU and memory

Sharing the system bus

The system bus is a information transport conduit between any 2 components in a computer:

(2) for sending data between an IO device (e.g., disk) and memory

Sharing the system bus

Important: at most ONE device can transmit data on the system (data) bus at any time:

Multiple transmitting devices will cause a short circuit condition !!!

Sharing the system bus:   arbitration

Arbitration = process in which competing master devices decide on which device gets to use the system bus

The winning device in the arbitration process will become the master device to use the system bus

Review: bus protocol

  • Bus protocol = the set of rules that communicating devices must follow to ensure reliable communication

  • Events that are scheduled to occur in a bus protocol:

      1. The master device sends out the address of the slave device (on the address bus)

      2. The master device sends out the operation (READ or WRITE) to the slave device (on the control bus)

      3. The master device then read the data that will be sent out by the slave device (READ operation)

        Or: The master device sends out the data that will be stored by the slave device (WRITE operation)

Bus utilization period = time when the system bus is used for data transfer

Bus cycle

  • When viewing things that happen on a system bus at a high level, we will distinguish 2 set of periods happening repeatedly:

    1. A bus arbitration period where competing master devices compete for the right to use the system bus

    2. Followed by a bus utilization period where the winning device performs a data transfer operation (using the prescibed bus protocol)

  • A bus arbitration period plus its following bus utilization period together is called: a bus cycle

Overlap execution of the arbitration and utilization cycles

Notice that the pins used for bus arbitration are separate from those used for bus utilization:

Therefore: the arbitration operation can run concurrently with the data transfer operation on the system bus !!!
(It's like having a separate lane of traffic)

Overlap execution of the arbitration and utilization cycles

The bus arbitration periods and bus utilization periods will occur in this manner when run concurrently:


The competing device that wins in the previous bus arbitration period will get to use the system bus in the following bus utilization period


Next:   we study the circuitry used to perform arbitration

2 types of bus arbitration techniques

  • The bus arbitrartion techniques can be categorized into 2 broad categories:

      1. Centralized techniques (efficient soution, but has a single point of failure)

      2. Distributed techniques (need more circuits to implement but does no have a single point of failure)

        I know of only 1 computer system (Vax) that uses a distributed bus arbitration method

An early days (simple) centralized bus arbiter circuit: the daisy chain

The daisy chain arbiter circuitry is as follows:

A device has 3 signals:
      Grant Input = 1 means the device may use the system bus next, 0 means: not its turn
      Request = 1 means the device wants to use the system bus next, 0 means: don't need it
      Grant output = 1 means the next device may use the system bus next, 0 means: cannot

An early days (simple) centralized bus arbiter circuit: the daisy chain

The idle state:

When all devices do not want to use the system bus, the Grant signal = 0

An early days (simple) centralized bus arbiter circuit: the daisy chain

The busy state:

When at least 1 device wants to use the system bus, the Grant signal = 1

An early days (simple) centralized bus arbiter circuit: the daisy chain

Grant processing by an idle device:

An idle device that receives Grant=1 will forward the grant downstream.

An early days (simple) centralized bus arbiter circuit: the daisy chain

Grant processing by an busy device:

An busy device that receives Grant=1 will remove the grant and declare itself the winner.

An early days (simple) centralized bus arbiter circuit: the daisy chain

Voided-grant processing by an idle device:

An idle device that receives Grant=0 will forward the Grand=0 downstream.

An early days (simple) centralized bus arbiter circuit: the daisy chain

Voided-grant processing by an busy device:

An busy device that receives Grant=0 will forward the Grant=0 and declare itself a loser.

Result: device 2 is the winner and will use the system bus in the next bus cycle !

An early days (simple) centralized bus arbiter circuit: the daisy chain

The daisy chain defines a priority ordering ("pecking order"):

The daisy chain technique is simple, but inflexible

Wait, aren't there some outputs connected together ?

The astute student will have noticed that some outputs have been connected together:

For this reason, the Request outputs of the devices must use a special output circuit called: "Open Collector" output

What is so special about an Open Collector output ?

Ordinary circuit outputs have low impendance (= resistance) that achieve very fast operation speed:

Notice the AND gate above does not use a resistor between +Vcc and the output OUT

What is so special about an Open Collector output ?

A Open Collector output have high impendance (= resistance) resulting in a slower operation speed:

Notice the (large) resistor R component between Vcc and the output OUTPUT

The resistance prevents a short-circuit condition, but will also slow down the output operation

What doe sit mean by "slower" circuit operation ???

A fast circuit will update a change in output value faster (= shorter time)

A open collector output will reach the stable value in a larger amount of time

Centralized arbiter circuit design

Nowadays, the centralized arbiter circuit looks like this:

The arbiter circuit will define a priority ordering to grant the bus request to a unique device

Centralized arbiter circuit design

A simple static priority assignment can be easily designed using a logic table:

The logic table for the priority order: Device 2 > Device 1 > Device 0

   Req2  Req1   Req0  |  Grant2  Grant2   Grant0
    0     0      0    |    0       0        0
    0     0      1    |    0       0        1
    0     1      0    |    0       1        0
    0     1      1    |    0       1        0
    1     0      0    |    1       0        0
    1     0      1    |    1       0        0
    1     1      0    |    1       0        0
    1     1      1    |    1       0        0

Problem with a centralized arbiter (circuit)

When the arbiter circuit fails, the whole system will stop:

No device will become the the next master device to use the system bus !!!

Distributed arbiter circuit design

A distributed arbitration circuit can be designed as follows:

The Priority1 wire has the highest priority and Priority4 the lowest

Distributed arbiter circuit design

The highest priority device receives a grant whenever it makes a request:

When Req=1, then Grant=1 and when Req=0, then Grant=0

Distributed arbiter circuit design

The 2nd highest priority device receives a grant only when highest priority device is not making a request:

When it's Req=1 and higher priority request=0, then Grant=1, otherwise: Grant=0

Distributed arbiter circuit design

The 3rd highest priority device receives a grant only when both higher priority device are not making requests:

When it's Req=1 and all higher priority request=0, then Grant=1, otherwise: Grant=0

Advantage of a distributed arbiter

A failure will not cause the system to stop operating:

When a device fails, the arbitration process will continue to operate