Review of the CPU

CS255: logical structure of a CPU:


We now start studying how to construct a CPU (to learn how the CPU works)

Review of the CPU

  • Recall: the function of the CPU:

    • The CPU can perform arithmetic and logic operations on data (= operands) stored in registers

  • The CPU can operate on data from different registers


       add  r10, r0, r1 // adds data in reg 0 and 1 
       add  r10, r3, r9 // adds data in reg 3 and 9 

  • Important fact:

    • The operands must be transfered to the ALU so they can be operated on !!!

Question: How does the CPU send data from different registers to the ALU ??

The question explained using the (CS255) CPU diagram

Problem at hand:


How to get the correct register values (= outputs) to the inputs of the ALU (in order to perform the computation)

The question explained using the (CS255) CPU diagram

Example: suppose the instruction is add r10, r3, r9:


The execution of instruction add R10,R3,R9 needs the values (= outputs) from register 3 and 9.

How can the CPU send the correct register values to the inputs of the ALU circuit to ???

Review: Instruction encoding

  • Recall that the instructions that the CPU executes are binary numbers (= codes)

  • There are "sub-fields" (= group of bits) inside each instruction to encode (= represent) source registers used in the instruction:

       Computer instruction (binary code):
         | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |      | | |
                 ^^^^^^        ^^^^^^
                 src reg 1     src reg 2

Instruction encoding: how a computer instruction is expressed

Each CPU has its own instruction encoding format.

This is the ARM instruction encoding format (each ARM instruction is 32 bits long)

How the CPU uses the different fields in the ARM instruction

The Rn field is used to select the first operand for input 1 of the ALU:


How the CPU uses the different fields in the ARM instruction

The Operand2 field is used to select the 2nd operand for input 2 of the ALU:


DEMO: instruction encoding

Compile this assembler program with EGTAPI:

        .global main
        add r10, r3, r8
        add r10, r4, r7
        add r10, r9, r5

DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/instr-encoding/instr-encode.list (see next slide)

DEMO: instruction encoding

Here is the relevant content of instr-encode.list:

   3                    main:
   4 0000 08A083E0              add r10, r3, r8
   5 0004 07A084E0              add r10, r4, r7
   6 0008 05A089E0              add r10, r9, r5

   I marked the instruction codes in red


Can you see which part of the instruction code represents the 1st register number ???

Can you see which part of the instruction code represents the 2nd register number ???

DEMO: instruction encoding

I highlighted the 1st and 2nd register numbers in the instruction code:

   3                    main:
   4 0000 08A083E0              add r10, r3, r8
   5 0004 07A084E0              add r10, r4, r7
   6 0008 05A089E0              add r10, r9, r5

   Note: bytes are stored in little endian order
   E.g.: 1st instr code = E083A008

Can you see which part of the instruction code represents the 1st register number ???

Can you see which part of the instruction code represents the 2nd register number ???

Problem description: selecting input registers for an instruction

In order to execute the instruction add r10, r1, r3, the values in registers r1 and r3 must be forwarded to the inputs of the ALU:

Notice that:   the source operand fields in the the current instruction add r10,r1,r3 will contains the codes for r1 (= 01) and r3 (= 11)

Problem description: selecting input registers for an instruction

On the other hand, in order to execute the instruction add r10, r0, r3, the values in registers r0 and r3 must be forwarded to the inputs of the ALU:

Notice that:   the source operand fields in the the current instruction add r10,r0,r3 will contains the codes for r0 (= 00) and r3 (= 11)

How do the CPU select the register operands for the operation

Summary of solution: the instruction code inside the Instruction register IR will make the selection

The source register (operand) 1 and source register (operand) 2 sub-fields in the IR sends out control signals to multiplexors to select the operands in the given register number (explained next)

We must solve 2 selection problems

Selection problem 1: how to select the source register 1:

The source register 1 is selected according to the source op 1 field

We must solve 2 selection problems

Selection problem 2: how to select the source register 2:

The source register 2 is selected according to the source op 2 field

Selecting the source register 1 (left ALU input)

I will show you how to select source register 1:

I will use a 4 bits register, the solution can easily be generalized !

Selecting the source register 1 (left ALU input)

Use one 4x1 Mux to select the bit 0 from each register for the bit 0 of the ALU input:

The selection is controlled by the source op 1 value in the instruction

Selecting the source register 1 (left ALU input)

Use a second 4x1 Mux to select the bit 1 from each register for the bit 1 of the ALU input:

The selection is also controlled by the source op 1 value !!!

Selecting the source register 1 (left ALU input)

Use a third 4x1 Mux to select the bit 2 from each register for the bit 2 of the ALU input:

The selection is also controlled by the source op 1 value !!!

Selecting the source register 1 (left ALU input)

Use a fourth 4x1 Mux to select the bit 3 from each register for the bit 3 of the ALU input:

The selection is also controlled by the source op 1 value !!!

How does selecting the source register 1 work ?

When source operand 1 field = 00, the multiplexors will select all bits from register R0:

Then source operand 1 = R0 !!!

How does selecting the source register 1 work ?

When source operand 1 field = 01, the multiplexors will select all bits from register R1:

Then source operand 1 = R1 !!!   And so on !!!

Selection circuit for source operand 2

Selection circuit for 2nd input operand is the same circuit:

Only difference: selection is controlled by the source op 2 field


  • /home/cs355001/demo/circuits/reg-mux-alu

    shows the selection of one of the registers to the input of the ALU

  • /home/cs355001/demo/circuits/reg-mux-alu2

    shows the selection of both of the registers to the input of the ALU that adds the (binary) inputs together