Another circuit design problem

Problem description:


  • Design a digital circuit with:

      • 2 inputs: i1, i0 and       
      • 3 output: z2, z1, z0

  • The values of the input (i1 i0) represents a 2 bit binary number

  • The value of the output (z2 z1 z0) is equal to the binary number i1 i0 plus 1

(Show the behavior using: /home/cs355001/demo/circuits/add1)

A circuit design algorithm

Step 1: list out every combination of the input values

    i1   i0 | z2   z1   z0
    0    0  |
    0    1  |
    1    0  |
    1    1  |


A circuit design algorithm

Step 2: determine the output for each combination of input values

    i1   i0 | z2   z1   z0
    0    0  | 0    0    1    (00 + 1 = 001)
    0    1  |
    1    0  |
    1    1  |


A circuit design algorithm

Step 2: determine the output for each combination of input values

    i1   i0 | z2   z1   z0
    0    0  | 0    0    1
    0    1  | 0    1    0    (01 + 1 = 010)
    1    0  |
    1    1  |


A circuit design algorithm

Step 2: determine the output for each combination of input values

    i1   i0 | z2   z1   z0
    0    0  | 0    0    1
    0    1  | 0    1    0
    1    0  | 0    1    1    (10 + 1 = 011)
    1    1  |


A circuit design algorithm

Step 2: determine the output for each combination of input values

    i1   i0 | z2   z1   z0
    0    0  | 0    0    1
    0    1  | 0    1    0
    1    0  | 0    1    1
    1    1  | 1    0    0    (11 + 1 = 100)


A circuit design algorithm

Step 2: determine the output for each combination of input values

This is the logic table of the "add 1" function

Note: the logic table actually contains 3 simpler functions (one function for z2, one for z1 and another for z0)

Click on table to pull out

Use the logic table to construct the digital circuit

Step 1: draw the input signals and the output signal(s)


Use the logic table to construct the digital circuit

Step 2: add the NOT-gates to obtain all possible input combinations:


Use the logic table to construct the digital circuit

Apply the circuit design technique on output signal z0:

You only use column z0 in the logic table to design this digital circuit!

Use the logic table to construct the digital circuit

Apply the circuit design technique on output signal z1:

You only use column z1 in the logic table to design this digital circuit!

Use the logic table to construct the digital circuit

Apply the circuit design technique on output signal z2:

You only use column z2 in the logic table to design this digital circuit!

EDiSim circuit simulation program for the "add1" circuit

Switch aa i1 '1' ZERO;
Not    aa i1 n_i1;
Switch ba i0 '0' ZERO;
Not    ba i0 n_i0;

/* ----- z2 ---- */
And    ab  i1   i0    z2a;
Or     ac  z2a        z2;
/* ----- z1 ---- */
And    bb  n_i1 i0    z1a;
And    bb  i1   n_i0  z1b;
Or     bc  z1a  z1b   z1;
/* ----- z0 ---- */
And    cb  n_i1 n_i0  z0a;
And    cb  i1   n_i0  z0b;
Or     cc  z0a  z0b   z0;

Probe  ad  z2;
Probe  bd  z1;
Probe  cd  z0; 

(I will write this code interactively in class)


I will demo this circuit in class:

Circuit file: /home/cs355001/demo/circuits/add1