A circuit design problem

Problem description:


  • Design a digital circuit with:

    • 3 inputs: a, b, c and       
    • 1 output: z


    • The value of the output (z) is equal to 1 if two or more of the input values are equal to 1

    • Otherwise: the value of the output (z) is equal to 0

A circuit design algorithm

Step 1: list out every combination of the input values

    a   b   c | z
    0   0   0 |
    0   0   1 |
    0   1   0 |
    0   1   1 |
    1   0   0 |
    1   0   1 |
    1   1   0 |
    1   1   1 |


A circuit design algorithm

Step 2: determine the output for each combination of input values

    a   b   c | z
    0   0   0 | 0  (< 2 input values = 1)
    0   0   1 |
    0   1   0 |
    0   1   1 |
    1   0   0 |
    1   0   1 |
    1   1   0 |
    1   1   1 |


A circuit design algorithm

Step 2: determine the output for each combination of input values

    a   b   c | z
    0   0   0 | 0  
    0   0   1 | 0  (< 2 input values = 1)
    0   1   0 |
    0   1   1 |
    1   0   0 |
    1   0   1 |
    1   1   0 |
    1   1   1 |


A circuit design algorithm

Step 2: determine the output for each combination of input values

    a   b   c | z
    0   0   0 | 0  
    0   0   1 | 0
    0   1   0 | 0  (< 2 input values = 1)
    0   1   1 |
    1   0   0 |
    1   0   1 |
    1   1   0 |
    1   1   1 |


A circuit design algorithm

Step 2: determine the output for each combination of input values

    a   b   c | z
    0   0   0 | 0  
    0   0   1 | 0
    0   1   0 | 0
    0   1   1 | 1  (≥ 2 input values = 1)
    1   0   0 |    (And so on)...
    1   0   1 |
    1   1   0 |
    1   1   1 |


A circuit design algorithm

Complete table:

    a   b   c | z
    0   0   0 | 0  
    0   0   1 | 0
    0   1   0 | 0
    0   1   1 | 1 
    1   0   0 | 0 
    1   0   1 | 1
    1   1   0 | 1
    1   1   1 | 1


A circuit design algorithm

End of Step 2: we have determined the output for each combination of input values

This table is called a logic table of the design function

Click on table to pull out

Use the logic table to construct the digital circuit

Step 1: draw the input signals and the output signal(s)


Use the logic table to construct the digital circuit

Step 2: add the NOT-gates to obtain all possible input combinations:

A combination of inputs is selected by connecting to the appropriate set of signals

Use the logic table to construct the digital circuit

Step 3: use one AND gate to compute each z=1 output in the logic table

x1 = 1 if and only if a = 0, b = 1, c = 1

Use the logic table to construct the digital circuit

Step 3: use one AND gate to compute each z=1 output in the logic table

x2 = 1 if and only if a = 1, b = 0, c = 1

Use the logic table to construct the digital circuit

Step 3: use one AND gate to compute each z=1 output in the logic table

x3 = 1 if and only if a = 1, b = 1, c = 0

Use the logic table to construct the digital circuit

Step 3: use one AND gate to compute each z=1 output in the logic table

x4 = 1 if and only if a = 1, b = 1, c = 1

Use the logic table to construct the digital circuit

Step 4: use one OR gate to combine all cases for z=1

z = 1 if and only if for input values that form cases x1, x2, x3 and x4

EDiSim circuit program for the digital circuit

Switch aa A '0' ZERO;
Not aa A nA;
Switch ba B '1' ZERO;
Not ba B nB;
Switch ca C '2' ZERO;
Not ca C nC;

And bb nA  B  C x1;
And bb  A nB  C x2;
And bb  A  B nC x3;
And bb  A  B  C x4;

Or bd x1 x2 x3 x4 z;
Probe be z; 


I will demo this circuit in class:

Circuit file: /home/cs355001/demo/circuits/majority

Post discussion: different circuits, same function

  • The same logic function can be implemented by different digital circuits !!

  • Previously, we saw this implementation of the majority function:

    This circuit uses a smaller number of gates to implement the majority function !

The circuit optimization problem

  • Circuit optimization = finding the "best" digital circuit for a given logic function

  • The "best" circuit is a circuit that uses the least number of gates

  • The circuit optimization problem is NP-complete

    (I.e.: we do not have a fast algorithm to solve the circuit optimization problem)

Note on CS355

  • In CS355, our goal is to show you how a computer works (at the gate level)

  • I will show you the internals of a (simple) computer using non-optimized digital circuits that perform the required logical functions

    We will not perform any circuit optimization in CS355