Interpreting 2s complement codes

Humans are trained to represent signed values using the sign-magnitude rperesentation:


Interpreting 2s complement codes

Computers are programmed to represent signed values using the 2s complement codes:


Interpreting 2s complement codes

Question:   how do we convert between these 2 representations ?


Note: the conversion must preserve the represented value !!

Converting a decimal sign-magnitude code into a (8 bits) 2s complement code

Question:   what are the (8 bits) 2s complement code for 34 and −34 ?

Consider the mapping that we discussed previously:

  2s comp       Intrinsic                         Decimal 
  Code          value                             sign-magnitude repr
  10000000                                        -128  
  .....         ....			          ....
  ????????   <---------------------------------   -34
  .....         ....                              ....
  11111011      •••••                             -5
  11111100      ••••                              -4
  11111101      •••                               -3
  11111110      ••                                -2
  11111111                                       -1
  00000000      ( )                                0
  00000001                                        1
  00000010      ••                                 2
  00000011      •••                                3
  00000100      ••••                               4
  00000101      •••••                              5
  .....         ....                               ....
  ????????   <---------------------------------    34
  .....         ....                               ....
  01111111				           127  

The relationship will be clearer using the binary sign-magnitude representation

Converting a decimal sign-magnitude code into a (8 bits) 2s complement code

Question:   what are the (8 bits) 2s complement code for 34 and −34 ?

Consider the mapping (relationshp) between the 2s complement code and the binary sign-magnitude code:

  2s comp       Intrinsic      Binary             Decimal 
  Code          value          sign-mag repr      sign-magnitude repr
  10000000                                        -128  
  .....         ....			          ....
  ????????   <---------------------------------   -34
  .....         ....                              ....
  11111011      •••••           -101              -5
  11111100      ••••            -100              -4
  11111101      •••              -11              -3
  11111110      ••               -10              -2
  11111111                       -1              -1
  00000000      ( )                0               0
  00000001                        1               1
  00000010      ••                10               2
  00000011      •••               11               3
  00000100      ••••             100               4
  00000101      •••••            101               5
  .....         ....                               ....
  ????????   <---------------------------------    34
  .....         ....                               ....
  01111111				           127  

(1) Positive (binary) numbers:    differs in using leading 0 digits
(2) Negative:    2s compl code + abs(bin sign-magnitude) = 100000000

Converting a decimal sign-magnitude code into a (8 bits) 2s complement code

Converting from decimal sign-magnitude binary 2s complement is a 2 step process:

  2s comp       Intrinsic      Binary             Decimal 
  Code          value          sign-mag repr      sign-magnitude repr
  10000000                                        -128  
  .....         ....			          ....
  ????????   <---------------------------------   -34
     <------- step 2 ------------  <--- step 1 ---
  11111011      •••••           -101              -5 
  11111100      ••••            -100              -4
  11111101      •••              -11              -3
  11111110      ••               -10              -2
  11111111                       -1              -1
  00000000      ( )                0               0
  00000001                        1               1
  00000010      ••                10               2
  00000011      •••               11               3
  00000100      ••••             100               4
  00000101      •••••            101               5 
     <------- step 2 ------------  <--- step 1 ---
  ????????   <---------------------------------    34
  .....         ....                               ....
  01111111				           127  

Converting decimal sign-mag code to 2s compl code is a 2 step process:
      (1) convert decimal sign-mag representation binary sign-mag repr
      (2) convert binary sign-mag representation 2s compl code
Note: You must handle positive/negative values differently !

Converting a decimal sign-magnitude code into a (8 bits) 2s complement code

How to convert a positive sign-magnitude code into a (8 bits) 2s complement code:

  2s comp       Intrinsic      Binary             Decimal 
  Code          value          sign-mag repr      sign-magnitude repr
  10000000                                        -128  
  .....         ....			          ....
  ????????   <---------------------------------   -34
     <------- step 2 ------------  <--- step 1 ---
  11111011      •••••           -101              -5 
  11111100      ••••            -100              -4
  11111101      •••              -11              -3
  11111110      ••               -10              -2
  11111111                       -1              -1
  00000000      ( )                0               0
  00000001                        1               1
  00000010      ••                10               2
  00000011      •••               11               3
  00000100      ••••             100               4
  00000101      •••••            101               5    <--- Example 
     <------- step 2 ------------  <--- step 1 ---
  ????????   <---------------------------------    34 
  .....         ....                               ....
  01111111				           127  

Converting positive values (and ZERO):
      (1) Convert the decimal sign-magnitude code into the (unsigned) binary represention
      (2) Prepend the resulting binary sign-magnitude code with leading ZEROs

Example: Converting 34 into a (8 bits) 2s complement code

(1) Example: convert the decimal sign-magnitude code (34) into binary (by dividing by 2)

      2 --------- 0        34(10) = 100010(2)   
      2 --------- 1               (binary sign-magnitude repr)    
      2 --------- 0
      2 --------- 0
      2 --------- 0
      2 --------- 1

(2) Prepend the resulting binary sign-magnitude code with leading ZEROs until you have 8 bits

  binary sign-mag repr     8 bits 2s compl repr (fixed length) 
 ----------------------   ----------------------
        100010                00100010   

Note: to convert to a 16 bits 2s complement repr, we must prepend more leading 0's (8 more) !!

Converting a decimal sign-magnitude code into a (8 bits) 2s complement code

How to encode a negative decimal sign-magnitude code into a (8 bits) 2s complement code:

  2s comp       Intrinsic      Binary             Decimal 
  Code          value          sign-mag repr      sign-magnitude repr
  10000000                                        -128  
  10000001				          -127
  .....         ....			          ....
  ????????   <---------------------------------   -34 
     <------- step 2 ------------  <--- step 1 ---
  11111011      •••••           -101              -5    <--- Example 
  11111100      ••••            -100              -4
  11111101      •••              -11              -3
  11111110      ••               -10              -2
  11111111                       -1              -1
  00000000      ( )                0               0
  00000001                        1               1
  00000010      ••                10               2
  00000011      •••               11               3
  00000100      ••••             100               4
  00000101      •••••            101               5 
     <------- step 2 ------------  <--- step 1 ---
  ????????   <---------------------------------    34
  .....         ....                               ....
  01111111				           127  

Converting negative values (and ZERO):
      (1) Convert the positive decimal sign-magnitude code into a binary number (dividing by 2 repeatedly)
      (2) Subtract the binary number in step (1) from the binary number 100000000 (= negation)
          (The negation operation on 2s complement codes will be explained later after 1 more slide)

Example: converting −34 into a (8 bits) 2s complement code

(1) Convert the positive decimal sign-magnitude code (34) into binary

      2 --------- 0        34(10) = 100010(2)  
      2 --------- 1               (binary sign-magnitude repr)    
      2 --------- 0
      2 --------- 0
      2 --------- 0
      2 --------- 1

(2) Negate:   subtract the resulting binary number (100010 from 100000000

       100000000       (Because: 00100010 + ??? = 100000000)
     -    100010
        11011110    <--- 2s compl code for -34(10)  

Note:   100000000 (1 with 8 (eight) ZEROS) is only used for the 8 bit 2s complement code
            Different bit length must use a different constant

How to negate a 2s complement representation

Problem statement:

  • Suppose x is the 2s complement code for some value v

    Find the 2s compl code y that represents the signed value   v

Because x + y = 0, we have for a 8 bits 2s complement code:

  2s comp   Decimal
  Code      Sign-Magnitude            
  10000000  -128  
  10000001  -127
  11111100    -4
  11111101    -3
  11111110    -2
  11111111    -1      x + y = 00000000           
  00000000     0      y = 00000000 - x
  00000001     1
  00000010     2      We will actually compute:
  00000011     3              y = 100000000 - x  
  00000100     4      because we need to borrow to subtract      
  01111111   127 

How to negate a 2s complement representation

  2s comp   Decimal
  Code      Sign-Magnitude            
  11111100    -4         (2s compl code for x) + (2s compl code for -x) = 0000.....00 
  11111101    -3
  11111110    -2
  11111111    -1      
  00000000     0   
  00000001     1
  00000010     2
  00000011     3
  00000100     4

Given:        01001001 is the 8 bits 2s complement code for 73
Question:   what is the 8 bits 2s complement code for −73 ?

   Let y = 8 bits 2s complement code for -73, then:

          y + 01001001 = 00000000   (do the operation with 8 bits only)

   <==>   y = 00000000 - 01001001            

              00000000   (Do subtraction in 8 bits 2s compl code)
            - 01001001

Easier way to negate a 2s complement representation


 8-bits 2s compl code for −x  =  100000000  −  2s compl code for x  

Easier way to compute the difference 100000000 − anyBinNumber:

         100000000    −  x              Example flip-bits(x)
  <==>  (11111111+1)  −  x                         11111111
  <==>  (11111111     −  x ) + 1                 - 01011010
  <===>    flip-bits(x)      + 1                -----------


   Original method            Easier method

         100000000                  flip-bits
       -  00000011            00000011 ---> 11111100
       -----------                                 1
          11111101                         ---------

Converting 2s compl codedecimal sign magnitude representation

Problem statement:

  • Given a 2s complement code (e.g.: 10101010)

    What is the decimal (sign-magnitude) representation ?

    I.e.: what value does the 2s complement code represent ?

Converting 2s compl codedecimal sign magnitude representation

Problem statement:

  • Given a 2s complement code (e.g.: 10101010

    What is the decimal (sign-magnitude) representation ?

    I.e.: what value does the 2s complement code represent ?

To find the solution, examine the mapping:

  2s comp   Decimal
  Code      Sign-Magnitude            
  10000000  -128  
  10000001  -127
  11111100    -4     // Negative values are harder to see    
  11111101    -3
  11111110    -2
  11111111    -1               
  00000000     0      
  00000001     1
  00000010     2
  00000011     3
  00000100     4      // Positive values are "easy" to see
  .....               // Same as the bin number system !!
  01111111   127 

We must split into 2 cases: (1) positive 2s compl codes and (2) negative 2s compl codes

How to tell if a 2s complement code represents a positive/negative value ?

Look at the left-most digit in the 2s complement code:

  2s comp   Decimal
  Code      Sign-Magnitude            
  10000000  -128  
  10000001  -127
  11111100    -4     // Negative values           
  11111101    -3
  11111110    -2
  11111111    -1               
  00000000     0      
  00000001     1
  00000010     2
  00000011     3
  00000100     4      // Positive values 
  01111111   127 

Left-most bit = 1 in 2s complement code represents a negatve value
Left-most bit = 0 in 2s complement code represents a positive value (or ZERO)

Converting 2s compl code of a positive valuedecimal sign magnitude representation

Algorithm:   just use the method to convert binary numbers decimal number


  • Find the decimal (sign-magnitude) representation for the 2s complement code 00010010

  • Solution:

        00010010  -> 0 at left most position ==> positive number 
        Apply binary numberdeciaml number algorithm:
         000100102 = 0×7 + 0×6 + 0×5 + 4 + 0×2 + 0×2 + 1 + 0×0  
                   = 16 + 2 = 18

Converting 2s compl code of a negative valuedecimal sign magnitude representation

Algorithm:   (1) negate the 2s complement code
                      (2) convert the positive 2s compl code using the previous method
                      (3) add a negative sign to the asnwer


  • Convert the 2s compl code 11101110 to its decimal sign-magnitude representation:

        11101110  -> 1 at left most position ==> negative number 
        (1) Negate:         100000000
                          -  11101110
                             00010010   <--- its positive 2s compl code
        (2) Convert (Pos) binary number -> decimal number:
             000100102 = 0×7 + 0×6 + 0×5 + 4 + 0×2 + 0×2 + 1 + 0×0  
                       = 16 + 2 = 18
        (3) Answer: −18