Creating dynamic arrays in Java

In CS170, you have learned how to create dynamic arrays in Java:

 public class demo {
   public static void main( String[] args )
     int[] A;  // A is a reference variable !

     A = new int[10]; // The new operator allocates
                      // memory for an array object
		      // and returns its base address
	              // The #bytes of memory needed 
		      // = array size * sizeof(int)

Creating dynamic arrays in Java - illustrated

I will illustrate what happens inside the computer system in this program:

 public class demo {
   public static void main( String[] args )
     int[] A;  // A is a reference variable !
     A = new int[10];

"int[] A" will allocate (reserve memory) a reference variable A:

Creating dynamic arrays in Java - illustrated

I will illustrate what happens inside the computer system in this program:

 public class demo {
   public static void main( String[] args )
     int[] A;  // A is a reference variable !
     A = new int[10];

"new int[10]" will dynamically allocate (reserve memory) for an int[10] array (= 40 bytes) and return its base address:

Creating dynamic arrays in Java - illustrated

I will illustrate what happens inside the computer system in this program:

 public class demo {
   public static void main( String[] args )
     int[] A;  // A is a reference variable !
     A = new int[10];

"A = " will assign the return value to the variable A:

Creating dynamic arrays in Java - illustrated

Summary of the effect of:

     int[] A;  // A is a reference variable !
     A = new int[10];

The reference variable A will point to a newly created int[10] (array of 10 integers) object:

Creating dynamic arrays in C

We can achieve the identical result in C with the following:

 int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
     int *A;  // A is a reference variable !

     A = malloc( 10*sizeof(int) ); 
                  // The malloc(10*sizeof(int) call 
                  // allocates memory for an array  
		  // and returns its base address
	          // The #bytes of memory needed 
		  // = array size * sizeof(int)

Creating dynamic arrays in C - illustrated

I will illustrate what happens inside the computer system in this program:

 int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
     int *A;  // A is a reference variable !

     A = malloc( 10*sizeof(int) ); 

"int *A" will allocate (reserve memory) a reference variable A:

Creating dynamic arrays in C - illustrated

I will illustrate what happens inside the computer system in this program:

 int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
     int *A;  // A is a reference variable !

     A = malloc( 10*sizeof(int) ); 

"malloc(10*sizeof(int))" will dynamically allocate (reserve memory) for an int[10] array (= 40 bytes) and return its base address:

Creating dynamic arrays in C - illustrated

I will illustrate what happens inside the computer system in this program:

 int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
     int *A;  // A is a reference variable !

     A = malloc( 10*sizeof(int) ); 

"A = " will assign the return value to the variable A:

Creating dynamic arrays in C - illustrated

Summary of the effect of:

     int *A;  // A is a reference variable !

     A = malloc( 10*sizeof(int) ); 

The reference variable A will point to a newly created int[10] (array of 10 integers) object:

How to access the dynamic array in C ?

We still need a language construct to access the array elements:

Right now, we can only access A[0] with what we learned (without using an offset):


How to access the dynamic array in C ?

New language construct of C:

C has a "pointer arithmetic" mechanism that adds an integer (=index) to an address:

  A + i  (A is an address value and i is an integer)  

We will study the pointer arithmetic concept next