Before we begin...

  • Do not memorize --- understand what needs to be done and how to achieve it

  • Notations:

    • I will high light the (reference) variable that must be updated with this color

  • Handling edge case(s):

    • It happens very often that a different (reference) variable must be updated for some special ("edge") cases

      • We must look for (= test) the edge cases and handle (= process) them separately

    • Often, the edge cases are

      • The empty list
        ( Test:   first == null )

      • A list that contains only 1 element
        ( Test: == null )

Inserting an item at the front of the linked list

The effect of addFirst(h, x) --- inserting x at the front of a linked list h:

  • Example: the linked list before the insertion of the item 5:

  • The linked list after the insertion of 5:

    This is what needs to be done   (look for the high lighted links in the figure)

Implementation of addFirst()

The implementation of the addFirst() method:

  • Let's write the addFirst() method: (This is how to achieve it)

       // Inserts a new node containg x 
       // at the beginning of the list at h
       struct Node *addFirst(struct Node *h, int x)
          Node<T> newNode = new Node<T>(item, oldFirst);
          first = newNode;

Implementation of addFirst()

The implementation of the addFirst( ) method:

  • Create a new Node:

       // Inserts a new node containg x 
       // at the beginning of the list at h
       struct Node *addFirst(struct Node *h, int x)
          struct Node *newNode = malloc( sizeof(struct Node) );
          first = newNode;

Implementation of addFirst()

The implementation of the addFirst( ) method:

  • Store the value x in the item field:

       // Inserts a new node containg x 
       // at the beginning of the list at h
       struct Node *addFirst(struct Node *h, int x)
          struct Node *newNode = malloc( sizeof(struct Node) );
          newNode->item = x;  // Store x
          first = newNode;

Implementation of addFirst()

The implementation of the addFirst( ) method:

  • Make the correct linkage:

       // Inserts a new node containg x 
       // at the beginning of the list at h
       struct Node *addFirst(struct Node *h, int x)
          struct Node *newNode = malloc( sizeof(struct Node) );
          newNode->item = x;  // Store x
          newNode->next = h;  // Make it point to h
          first = newNode;

Implementation of addFirst()

The implementation of the addFirst( ) method:

  • Return the new first node:

       // Inserts a new node containg x 
       // at the beginning of the list at h
       struct Node *addFirst(struct Node *h, int x)
          struct Node *newNode = malloc( sizeof(struct Node) );
          newNode->item = x;  // Store x
          newNode->next = h;  // Make it point to h
          return newNode;

Implementation of addFirst()

Check if algorithm is correct for edge case(s):

  • Run the code for the edge case(s):

       // Inserts a new node containg x 
       // at the beginning of the list at h
       struct Node *addFirst(struct Node *h, int x)
          struct Node *newNode = malloc( sizeof(struct Node) );
          newNode->item = x;  // Store x
          newNode->next = h;  // Make it point to h
          return newNode;


Implementation of addFirst()

Check if algorithm is correct for edge case(s):

  • Step 1: create node and store value

       // Inserts a new node containg x 
       // at the beginning of the list at h
       struct Node *addFirst(struct Node *h, int x)
          struct Node *newNode = malloc( sizeof(struct Node) );
          newNode->item = x;  // Store x
          newNode->next = h;  // Make it point to h
          return newNode;


Implementation of addFirst()

Check if algorithm is correct for edge case(s):

  • Step 2: make link and return the new first node:

       // Inserts a new node containg x 
       // at the beginning of the list at h
       struct Node *addFirst(struct Node *h, int x)
          struct Node *newNode = malloc( sizeof(struct Node) );
          newNode->item = x;  // Store x
          newNode->next = h;  // Make it point to h
          return newNode;

    It works --- no need to handle edge cases separately

Demo program

struct Node
   int          item;
   struct Node *next;

int main()
   struct Node *head = NULL;
   int k;


   for (k = 1; k < 5; k++ )
      head = addFirst(head, k);

DEMO: demo/C/Linked-list/addFirst.c

Alternate solution: pass head by reference (so we can update head)

Alternately: we can pass the head variable by reference:

struct Node
   int          item;
   struct Node *next;

int main()
   struct Node *head = NULL;
   int k;


   for (k = 1; k < 5; k++ )
      addFirst(&head, k);    // Pass head by reference

DEMO: demo/C/Linked-list/addFirst-byRef.c

Alternate solution: pass head by reference (so we can update head)

We change the parameter type of h in addFirst and we can now update the the head using *h (alias !!)

struct Node
   int          item;
   struct Node *next;

// Inserts a new node containg x at the beginning of the list at h
// We pass the variable "struct Node *h" by reference

void addFirst(struct Node **h, int x)
   struct Node *newNode = malloc( sizeof(struct Node) );

   newNode->item = x;  // Store x
   newNode->next = *h;  // Make it point to head

   // WAS: return newNode;
   *h = newNode;   // Update "head" in main using the alias *h

DEMO: demo/C/Linked-list/addFirst-byRef.c