Java's LinkedList<E> class

  • The Java library jas a LinkedList class that is iterable:

  • Recall: be iterable means you can use the object in the for-each-loop

Implementation details of the LinkedList<E> class

  • Java's linkedList<E> class is implemented as a doubly-linked list:

  • Sample methods:

    • size(): Returns the number of elements in this list

    • addFirst(E e)
    • addLast(E e)
    • add(int index, E element)

    • removeFirst()
    • removeLast()
    • remove(int index)

    • getFirst()
    • getLast()
    • get(int index)

How to use Java's LinkedList class

  • The syntax is the same as our own GenericLinkedList<sT> class

    Here is a program that make use of Java's LinkedList class

    import java.util.LinkedList;
    public class Demo
       public static void main(String[] args)
          LinkedList<String> stringList = new LinkedList<String>();
          stringList.addFirst("B");      // B
          stringList.addFirst("A");      // A -> B
          stringList.addLast("D");	     // A -> B -> D
          stringList.add(2, "C");	     // A -> B -> C -> D
          System.out.println("LIST = " + stringList);
          String s;
          s = stringList.remove(2);      // A -> B -> D
          s = stringList.removeLast();   // A -> B
          s = stringList.removeFirst();  // B

DEMO: demo/11-linked-list/12-Java-LinkedList/