Review: the queue data structure

  • A queue data structure is like a queue of people:

  • The enqueue( ) operation will "insert"/add an item on tail of the queue:

Review: the queue data structure

  • A queue data structure is like a queue of people:

  • Dequeue( ) will remove the item at the head of the queue and returns it.

Review: our Queue interface definition

  • Our MyQueue interface definition:

       interface MyQueue<E>
          boolean isEmpty(); // returns true is queue is empty
          boolean isFull();  // returns true is queue is full
          void enqueue(E e); // Insert elem e at the back of the queue
          E dequeue();       // Remove the elem at the front
                             // of the queue and return it
          E peek();          // Return the elem at the front
                             // without removing it

Review: implementing a queue using a circular (array) buffer data structure

  • The circular buffer data structure consists of an array with 2 "pointers" or indices:

    • Read pointer = the index of the read position in array
    • Write pointer = the index of the write position in array


Implementing the queue using a linked list

  • The queue data structure can (also) be implemented using a linked list:

  • The first element in the linked list is the front of the queue

    The last element in the linked list is the back of the queue


Implementing the enqueue() and dequeue() operations

  • The enqueue(item) operation is equivalent to addLast(item):
    (I.e.: insert at the end of the list):

  • The dequeue() operation is equivalent to removeFirst():
    (I.e.: remove from the front of the list):

Implementing the MyQueue interface with the ListQueue class

  • Let's write a ListQueue class that implements our MyQueue interface:

    public class ListQueue<T> implements MyQueue<T>
        private class Node<T>
           private T item;
           private Node<T> next;
           public Node(T item, Node<T> next)
      	  this.item = item; = next;
           public String toString(){ return "" + this.item; }
        } // End of private inner class "Node"
        private Node<T> first;
        public ListQueue()  // Constructs an empty list/queue
           first = null;  // Empty list ≡ empty queue
        public boolean isEmpty() { ... } // returns true is queue is empty
        public boolean isFull() { ... }  // returns true is queue is full
        public void enqueue(E e) { ... } // Insert elem e into the queue
        public E dequeue()  { ... }      // Remove and return elem at front
        public E peek() { ... }          // Return the elem at the front 

Implementing the MyQueue interface with the ListQueue class

  • isEmpty() tests whether the list is empty and isFull() will always return false:

    public class ListQueue<T> implements MyQueue<T>
        private class Node<T>
           ... body omitted for brevity
        } // End of private inner class "Node"
        private Node<T> first;
        public ListQueue()  // Constructs an empty list/queue
           first = null;  // Empty list ≡ empty queue
        public boolean isEmpty()    // returns true is queue is empty
            return first == null ;
        public boolean isFull()     // returns true is queue is full
            return false;   // Because a linked list is not fixed size
        ... other queue methods omitted for brevity

Implementing the MyQueue interface with the ListQueue class

  • enqueue(item) is the same as addLast(item):

    public class ListQueue<T> implements MyQueue<T>
        private class Node<T>
           ... omitted for brevity
        } // End of private inner class "Node"
        private Node<T> first;
        // enqueue(item) --> insert at the end of the list
        public void enqueue(T item)   
            if ( isEmpty() )
                first = new Node<T>(item,null);
                Node<T> current = first;
                while( != null )   // Find the last node
                   current =;
       = new Node<T>(item,null); // Link behind the last node
        ... other queue methods omitted for brevity

Implementing the MyQueue interface with the ListQueue class

  • dequeue() is the same as removeFirst(item):

    public class ListQueue<T> implements MyQueue<T>
        private class Node<T>
           ... omitted for brevity
        } // End of private inner class "Node"
        private Node<T> first;
        public ListQueue()  // Constructs an empty list/queue
           first = null;  // Empty list ≡ empty queue
        // dequeue() --> remove the first item and return it
        public T dequeue( )   
           if( isEmpty() )
              throw new NoSuchElementException();
           T toReturn = first.item;   // Save return item
           first =;        // Unlink the first node
           return toReturn;
        ... other queue methods omitted for brevity

Implementing the MyQueue interface with the ListQueue class

  • peek() is similar to removeFirst(item), except we do not remove the first node:

    public class ListQueue<T> implements MyQueue<T>
        private class Node<T>
           ... omitted for brevity
        } // End of private inner class "Node"
        private Node<T> first;
        public ListQueue()  // Constructs an empty list/queue
           first = null;  // Empty list ≡ empty queue
        // peek() --> return the first item
        public T peek( )   
           if( isEmpty() )
              throw new NoSuchElementException();
           return first.item;   // Return the first item
        ... other queue methods omitted for brevity

SHOW: demo/11-linked-list/11-queue-with-list/

How to define an queue of Integer with the generic ListQueue

  • We can create a queue of Integer by using Integer as parameter when defining a generic ListQueue variable:

        public static void main(String[] args)
            ListQueue<Integer> s = new ListQueue<>(5);
            System.out.println( s );
            System.out.println( s.dequeue() );
            System.out.println( s );
            System.out.println( s.dequeue() );
            System.out.println( s );
            System.out.println( s.dequeue() );
            System.out.println( s );
            System.out.println( s.dequeue() );
            System.out.println( s );

DEMO: demo/11-linked-list/11-queue-with-list/

How to define an queue of String with the generic queue

  • We can create a queue of String by using String as parameter when defining a generic ListQueue variable:

        public static void main(String[] args)
            ListQueue<String> s = new ListQueue<>(5);
            System.out.println( s );
            System.out.println( s.dequeue() );
            System.out.println( s );
            System.out.println( s.dequeue() );
            System.out.println( s );
            System.out.println( s.dequeue() );
            System.out.println( s );
            System.out.println( s.dequeue() );
            System.out.println( s );

DEMO: demo/11-linked-list/11-queue-with-list/

Postscript: another way to implement a queue with a linked list

  • We can also implement a queue using:

    • enqueue(item) addFirst(item)

    • dequeue( ) removeLast( )