A basic implementation of the Stack interface

  • The basic implementation of a Stack is using:




A basic implementation of the Stack interface

  • The basic implementation of a Stack is using:

    1. A fixed size array to store the data items



A basic implementation of the Stack interface

  • The basic implementation of a Stack is using:

    1. A fixed size array to store the data items

    2. A stackTop index variable to record the first open position in the array


A basic implementation of the Stack interface

  • The initial state of the stack when it is instantiated (= created):

  • Comment:

    • I choose to initialize stackTop = 0 to indicate and empty stack

    • An alternate choice can be to use stackTop = −1

A basic implementation of the Stack interface   variables and constructor

  • The instance variables and the constructor of an Integer stack:

       public class IntegerStack implements Stack<Integer>
           private Integer[] item;
           private int stackTop;
           public IntegerStack(int N) // Create a stack of size N
               item = new Integer[N];
               stackTop = 0;

A basic implementation of the Stack interface   isEmpty()

  • The stack is empty when stackTop == 0:

       public class IntegerStack implements Stack<Integer>
           public boolean isEmpty( ) // Test if stack is empty
               return stackTop == 0;

A basic implementation of the Stack interface   push(x)

  • Initial state of the stack:

  • State after push(3):

    Effect:   (1) item[stackTop] = 3;   (2) stackTop++;

A basic implementation of the Stack interface   push(x)

  • Initial state of the stack:

  • State after push(3):

    Effect:   (1) item[stackTop] = 0;   (2) stackTop++;

A basic implementation of the Stack interface   push(x)

  • Basic implementaion of the push( ) method:

           public void push(Integer e) 
              if ( isFull () )
                  return ;
              item[ stackTop ] = e;    // (1) store item
              stackTop++;              // (2) increment stackTop

A basic implementation of the Stack interface   push(x)

  • Safer implementaion of the push( ) method:

           public void push(Integer e) 
              if ( isFull () )  // Implement this next
                  return ;      // Or: throw an exception
              item[ stackTop ] = e;    // (1) store item
              stackTop++;              // (2) increment stackTop

A basic implementation of the Stack interface   isFull()

  • The stack is full when stackTop == item.lenght:

       public class IntegerStack implements Stack<Integer>
           public boolean isFull( ) // Test if stack is empty
               return stackTop == item.length;

A basic implementation of the Stack interface   pop()

  • Initial state of the stack:

  • State after pop():

    Effect:   (1) stackTop--;   (2) return item[stackTop];

A basic implementation of the Stack interface   pop()

  • Basic implementaion of the pop( ) method:

           public Integer pop( ) 
              if ( isEmpty () )
                  return ;
              stackTop--;              // (1) decrement stackTop
              return item[ stackTop ]; // (2) return item

A basic implementation of the Stack interface   pop()

  • Safer implementaion of the pop( ) method:

           public Integer pop( ) 
              if ( isEmpty () )
                  return null;         // Or: throw an exception
              stackTop--;              // (1) decrement stackTop
              return item[ stackTop ]; // (2) return item

Demo program

  • Demo program showing the functionality of the stack:

    public class Demo
        public static void main(String[] args)
            IntegerStack s = new IntegerStack(5);
            s.pop();    // Pops an empty stack !
            System.out.println( s );
            System.out.println( s.pop() );
            System.out.println( s );
            System.out.println( s.pop() );
            System.out.println( s );
            System.out.println( s.pop() );
            System.out.println( s );

DEMO: demo/09-stack/01-array/Demo.java + IntegerStack.java + MyStackInterface.java