Re-using existing software

Problem description:   we need to write a program (software) to solve a new problem:

  • Write the NewClass class to solve a new problem:                                                                                    

How can we do this efficiently (i.e.: use the least effort as possible)

Re-using existing software

How to re-use existing sofware to build more complex software prior to ~1995

  • We find a program (class) that can be used as the starting point to build our more complex software (= programs)

Before the invention of Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Re-using existing software

How to re-use existing sofware to build more complex software prior to ~1995

  • We make a copy of the program (class) (and must rename the class otherwise we have 2 classes with the same name !):

Before the invention of Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Re-using existing software

How to re-use existing sofware to build more complex software prior to ~1995

  • Then make changes to the copy of software so the new software (= program) does what we want

Before the invention of Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Problems with this technique for re-using existing software


  • Redundancy: we can have multiple copies of the same method (because we made a copy !!!)

Hard to maintain programs: when we update the original software (from which we made the new software), we may need to update our programs that are based on the existing software

Re-using existing software

How to re-use existing sofware to build more complex software with OOP

  • We find a program (class) that can be used as the starting point to build our more complex software (= programs)

After the invention of Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Re-using existing software

How to re-use existing sofware to build more complex software with OOP

  • We define (no copying !) the new class (= software) to inherit from the original class:

The new class (= software) will inherit (= "receive") all the variables and (normal) methods from an existing class

Experiment    Trace the execution of b.method1() and b.method2()

DEMO: demo/04-inheritance/01-extends

public class SomeClass
    public int x;

    public SomeClass()
        x = 99;

    public void method1( )
        System.out.println("I am SomeClass.method1(). x = " + x);
    public void method2( )
        System.out.println("I am SomeClass.method2(). x = " + x);

public class NewClass extends SomeClass { NewClass() { } // No other methods defined ! }
public class myProg { public static void main(String[] args) { NewClass b = new NewClass(); b.method1(); // Invokes SomeClass.method1() b.method2(); // Invokes SomeClass.method2() } }

Re-using existing software

How to re-use existing sofware to build more complex software with OOP

  • If an inherited method is not appropriate (= does not do what we want), we replace (= override) that method with a new method with the same signature:

Methods defined inside the NewClass will take priority over an inherited method with the same method signature (this mechanism is called overriding)

Experiment    Trace the execution of b.method1() and b.method2()

DEMO: demo/04-inheritance/02-override

public class SomeClass
    public int x;

    public SomeClass()
        x = 99;

    public void method1( )
        System.out.println("I am SomeClass.method1(). x = " + x);
    public void method2( )
        System.out.println("I am SomeClass.method2(). x = " + x);

public class NewClass extends SomeClass { NewClass() { } public void method1( ) // Overrides the inherited method1 { System.out.println("I am **NewClass**.method1(). x = " + x); } }
public class myProg { public static void main(String[] args) { NewClass b = new NewClass(); b.method1(); // Invokes NewClass.method1() b.method2(); // Invokes SomeClass.method2() } }

Re-using existing software

How to re-use existing sofware to build more complex software with OOP

  • If original class does not have a suitable method for some task in the new class, we can add new method(s) to our new class to perform that task:

These new methods will only be defined in the NewClass (and will not be defined (inherit) in the orignal class (SomeClass))

Experiment    Trace the execution of b.method3()

DEMO: demo/04-inheritance/03-add

public class SomeClass
    public int x;

    public SomeClass()
        x = 99;

    public void method1( )
        System.out.println("I am SomeClass.method1(). x = " + x);
    public void method2( )
        System.out.println("I am SomeClass.method2(). x = " + x);

public class NewClass extends SomeClass { NewClass() { } public void method1( ) // Overrides the inherited method1 { System.out.println("I am **NewClass**.method1(). x = " + x); } public void method3( ) // Defines a new method { System.out.println("I am **NewClass**.**method3**(). x = " + x); } }
public class myProg { public static void main(String[] args) { NewClass b = new NewClass(); b.method1(); // Invokes NewClass.method1() b.method2(); // Invokes SomeClass.method2() b.method3(); // Invokes NewClass.method3() // SomeClass a; // a.method3(); // is ILLEGAL --> SomeClass does not have method3() ! } }

Accessing an overridden method and an overriding method

Notice there are two (different) methods named method1(...) with the same signature:

  • The original method1(...) in SomeClass (the overridden method)
    The new method1(...) in NewClass (the overriding method)

When writing methods in NewClass, both methods are available for use (= accessible) !

Accessing an overridden method and an overriding method

Notice there are two (different) methods named method1(...) with the same signature:

  • method1(...) will invoke the overriding method (i.e.: the default case)
    super.method1(...) will invoke the overridden method

The super keyword always refers to members in the super class
DEMO: demo/04-inheritance/03a-super/ +

Summary: re-using existing software

How to re-use existing sofware to build more complex software using OOP

  • Inherit from a suitable parent class X:

      1. Find a class X (= software) that can be used as the starting point to build the new (more complex) class (= software)

      2. Define the new class Y as a subclass of X:

           public class Y extends X   ...

        Class Y will inherit (= receive) all the (1) variables and (2) (non-constructor) methods in class X

  • Add/modify:

      • Add additional properties (= member variables)

      • Override (= replace) any inappropriate inherited method

      • Add any required methods not available in the superclass X

Important note:    Accessibility modifiers are enforced on inherited members !

  • Note:   the subclass and its superclass are separate classes

  • Therefore:   methods defined (= written) inside a subclass can not access private members in the super class:

    (Only the unmodified inherited methods can access the inherited private members)

Object Oriented Thinking

  • In order to maximize the inheritance mechanism to re-use existing software, you need to adopt the Object Oriented Design methodology when you develop (= write) your classes

  • The Object Oriented Design methodology organizes object class in a hierarchy according to common properties/actions:

  • The Object Oriented Design methodology can miximize the re-use of variables and methods !!! (Study next !)