This part of the lab is highly synchronized:
Let students find the error and correct it. Help them understand the logical error.
You should read the material before coming to the lab.
If you have not done so, try to following the instructions in this webpage (they are very detailed and self-explanatory).
You should read the webpages above after the lab to re-enforce what you have learned.
mkdir ~/cs170/lab6 cp ~cs170002/share/lab6/* ~/cs170/lab6 cd ~/cs170/lab6 |
bluej & |
(If you need detailed instruction on how to open a directory as BlueJ project, please see lab3.)
![]() |
![]() |
The has a logical error.
You must find and correct the logical error
TA should discuss briefly how to determine when a number is prime:
x = 5 First: Assume x is prime 5 % 2 remainder = 1 x is still prime 5 % 3 remainder = 2 x is still prime 5 % 4 remainder = 1 x is still prime DONE ===> x (5) is prime |
(TA: let each student find out the problem for himself/herself. But assist the students and show them what to do if they ask.)
You will see the following code:
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- Complete the method "toUpperCase()" ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ public class UpperCase { public static String toUpperCase( String s ) { String output; output = ""; // For each character in input string s, do: // { // if character is a lowercase: // append the uppercase character to output // otherise // append the character to output // } // Don't forget the return the output !!! } /* ------------------------------------------------------ Method main is our main entry point. ------------------------------------------------------ */ public static void main(String args[]) { String in, out; in = "Hello4"; out = toUpperCase(in); System.out.println("Input: " + in + "\tUppercased Output: " + out); in = "7*h$npo"; out = toUpperCase(in); System.out.println("Input: " + in + "\tUppercased Output: " + out); } } |
The method toUpperCase contains an input variable s which holds the input string.
Write statements inside the toUpperCase method that changes all the lower case letters in the input variable s into upper case. Do not change characters that are not lower case letters.
After converting the characters, the method must return the result.
I want to show you an example here on how it will work:
Suppose the input string is: s = "Hello4" The variable output will contain the result. We start with: output = ""; |
cd ~/cs170/lab6 /home/cs170002/turnin-lab lab6 /home/cs170002/turnin-lab lab6a /home/cs170002/turnin-lab lab6b |
For the Lead TA: